Part 19

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A few days later, she arrived at the office in hope she'd find Tony waiting for her.

She ignored all eyes that went on her as she walked through the part she used to work at. She couldn't face any comments or questions from any of them yet. 

She made her way into the elevator taking her up to the floor where Tony's office is. When she arrived the door was shut and no one was around, none of Tony's bodyguards. She knocked on the door, but there was no answer. She pushed it open a little and saw nothing but an empty room.

"If you're looking for Mr Stark, he's not here.." a voice came from behind her, when she turned to see who it was, it was a younger girl.. one of the interns at a guess..

"Oh.. right do you know where he is?"

"No.. but I do know he left earlier with Miss Potts.."

"Right.." she said as the young girl smiled as she took in some paperwork to Tony's desk.. "Since when do interns have permission to come and go into Tony's office?"

"Oh sorry I'm not a intern.. I'm going to be an assistant to Miss Potts.."

"Say what?"

"That's right, I'm so excited.. I've never had a chance to see or speak to Mr Stark yet, as Miss Potts as only been giving me tiny little jobs.. but she's promised me to get me trained and involved with more of Mr Stark's work.."

"Well that's great I guess.."

"Have you ever worked closely with him?" She let out a small chuckle at that question.. does she tell the truth or bend it a little?

"You could say that.."

"Really? What's he like?" The girl looks totally curious, so she decides to tell the truth.

"You don't know who I am?" She asks first, but she politely apologises and says no.

" here.." she picked out her phone from her bag.. "this close enough?"

She shows her the Lock Screen, and it's one of her and Tony, Tony kissing her cheek, a one they took the other day.

"Oh my god! are you serious?!" The girl grabs the phone and looks at the photo.. "You actually? What's he like?!"

"He's great, people think he's some big, hot shot.. but deep down he's a real softie..with actual feelings!"

"I can't believe it.." the girl is genuine shocked.."So.. it's true then! He is dating someone, and that someone is you!"


"Wow.. I mean there were rumours, and everyone had it down as Miss Potts.. but I don't listen to I never expected this.."

"That's the best way, don't listen to gossip, its normally just silly stories anyway.. so do you know when Tony's due back?"

"Um.. I think Miss Potts said they'll be back around 6 ish.. she's given me a lot to get through until then.."

"Well..since Tony isn't here, and I'm bored.. I'll come give you a hand!"

"Oh wow! That'll be amazing thank you!"

They both go back to Pepper's office, the work the girl had been left was a bit of a joke in her opinion, but they spent the afternoon going through it all, and it was pleasant, they shared a few laughs making the day pass by quickly.

"So if you can just sign thi.." they both hear from the doorway and it's Pepper, accompanied by Tony of course, they didn't realise the time and it was 6:14pm.

Just An Office Girl - Tony StarkWhere stories live. Discover now