Part 10

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"Hey..sorry can I just.." a quiet female voice interrupts her daydream at the coffee machine.

"Oh.. I am sorry I was in a world of my own.." she shifts away from the machine letting the young girl use it.

"Not to worry.. I think everyone's been a bit.. tense recently.. have you noticed? " The girl simply asks.

"I'm not sure what you mean? I haven't noticed anything?"

"Well.. it's been weird in here this last week.. for one Miss Potts has been in and out the office every day on her own, Mr Stark hasn't been seen since he left to go to his room at the party.. Henry hasn't been seen since the party.."

"Oh..uh.." she tried to think of what to say, but nothing came.

"I don't mean to gossip, it's just everyone's talking about what happened at the party.. and well.. no one knows what's true and what's not.."

"I'm sure it'll all quietly die down soon enough.."

"You'd think it would but.. Rumours in this place are Starks got himself a girl... and I mean a proper one... he hasn't been you know.. seen with anyone for a while and well.. now this.."

She slides across the counter top a magazine, with Tony's face on the front of it, apparently at a party.

Stark losing his touch? The headline reads.

"Huh.." is all she can manage as she reads it in her head.

"I don't think he has lost his touch but who knows.. ya know? Stark is a playboy after all.." the girl finishes & picks up her magazine and taking her coffee.."No one knows who it is.. but we think it's someone within the company.. my money is on Potts.."

"Stark and Potts?" She questions, she never thought of them together.

"Yeah! Haven't you seen the way they look at each other? They don't know it but.. everyone can see they're in love." She could feel her heartbeat pick up the pace. Was it not her Tony was talking about in his hotel that morning? Was it really Pepper he was talking about when he said something was changing for him?

This question played in her mind for the rest of the day. The worse part was not being able to see or speak to Tony. She often got her phone, to send him a message but she couldn't find the power to send anything. She didn't know what to say or how to start a conversation with him. He was always the one to send the first message.

For her the day only got worse when she saw Pepper arrive. Putting more doubt to her thoughts as she looked at her walking though the office. Her beautiful outfit matching her beautiful hair and skin. How could she compete with that?It wouldn't be any surprise if Tony was in love with her. Her mind briefly went back to the party and how she watched Tony with Pepper that night, how close they were. how he touched her back.

She tried to put it to the back of her mind but every day, she saw Pepper at the office, every day she hadn't seen Tony since the party. Every day her overthinking got worse, as the rumours began to spread of who Tony Stark's New Mystery girl was.

"So how was the party? Did your sexy red dress get the man?" Her friend asks at the bar they were meeting at a week later.

She cleared her throat before answering and her friend was shocked.

"No way! Did you.."

Confirming with a nod her friend let out a high pitched giggle which made her blush in embarrassment.

"Tell me everything!" Her friend demanded.

"Ok! Look please don't say anything ok? We did go back to his hotel room after the party, and he's we did have an amazing time.. but it's not going any further, I haven't heard from him since.. so.."

Just An Office Girl - Tony StarkWhere stories live. Discover now