Part 26

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The Future of Stark Industries!
The couple reveal all on their newly formed relationship, and what it means for the CEO of Stark Industries!

That was the headline from the magazine they gave an exclusive to, she read whilst sitting down for breakfast in Tony's kitchen one morning.. it was finally out there.. for all to read, for all to see. For the first time in months she felt a heavy weight lifted from her shoulders, maybe this is all that she needed from the start, to let everyone know about her and Tony.

The interviewer was so sweet to them, and even kept the questions respectful.. but the photos they received from it were even better.. she looked happy.. and for the first time in what felt like forever, she felt happy.

"We look good together don't we?" Tony spoke as he entered the kitchen, peaking over her shoulder to see what she was reading.

"Certainly.. it's more of a relief that it's out there.."

"Yeah.. no more hiding from those nasty people..and now.. it's means I can treat you right.. show you off to the world as my girlfriend.." he kissed her neck from behind, sending shivers up her spine as a small smile formed on her face.

"Girlfriend.." she hummed.. "I like the sound of that.."

"So do I.. now that's it's official.."

"Mmm.. there's no going back now is there?"

"Nope.. you're stuck with me.." a kiss left on her cheek.. "I love you baby.."

"I love you more.." she turned in his arms to face him.. a smile appeared on Tony's face as he caught the look in her eyes.. "What's your plans for today?" She asked.

"I have to call in the office to see Miss Potts, then I think I'll come back here and work in the shop.."

"Oh.. you're going to the office?"

"Yeah.. just one meeting this morning and then I'm all yours.."

"Can I come with you?"


"Well if you want me to.." she shrugged, if he didn't want her to that's fine with her.

"Oh believe me I do! I just.. will you be ok with that?"

"I have to face them all at some point don't I? And now it's out there about us.. we can walk in with our heads held high?"

"I suppose.. yeah alright.. car is coming at 10am.."

"I'll go get dressed then.." she smiled at him, placing a quick and simple kiss on his lips before disappearing upstairs leaving Tony stood with his back resting against the kitchen counter top.

As they made their way into the office of Stark Industries, as predicted all eyes were fixed on them, as they walked in together, hand in hand.

She tried to hide her nerves with a smile, she squeezed Tony's hand as she glanced around the room.

"You're ok.." Tony whispered, as he let go of her hand, and wrapped his arm around her waist to help her relax.

When they got to Tony's office, she was relieved to be away from all those eyes.

"See.. that wasn't so bad now was it?"

"No.. I guess not.."

"I mean.. it's not like you're a surprise to them.. you've been coming in here for months now.." Tony winked..

"Tony!" She tried to ignore his comment.

"What? Nothing I said was a lie!!"

"No.. but.." she giggled as she shook her head.. "You're bringing back memories.." she smirked.. pulling him close by his hand..

Just An Office Girl - Tony StarkWhere stories live. Discover now