Part 14

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Just an office girl? Is that all she'll be known as now? They're not wrong.. but can she really have that title wrote about her so publicly?

Getting involved with Tony Stark was always going to be a hard secret to keep.

"Are you worried?" Tony asks her as they sit together on the flight home.

"A little.. my whole is going to change from the moment I step off this plane isn't it?"

"Yes.. and no.."  he raises his eyebrow with a smirk on his face.

"No? What do you mean?"

"Well.. before you left you were fucking Tony Stark and when you get home you still will be.. so nothing has changed in that area.." he always finds light of situations, and makes her laugh.

"But seriously, it'll only get better now.." Tony reaches over to take her hands in his over the table they sit at. Softly stroking her hands with his thumb..

"I know you're worried, but everything will be ok.. I'll make sure off it.."

"Mr Stark, we're about to land.." a hostess makes them aware that they're close to home.

She takes a deep breath, before leaving go of Tony's hands and fastening her seatbelt. She looks out the window, watching the plane descend, and the ground getting closer and closer.

"If you want.. you can leave the plane alone.. and I'll hold back.. or.. we can do it together.."

"I want you with me Tony..please.."

When the plane comes into land, they wait a little while before getting the clear to exit.. Tony stands first and waits by the door and holds out his hand out..

"Let's tackle this shit together.."

The press and flashing cameras are waiting for them as they leave the airport, trying to get any glimpse of them as they drive away in Happy's car.

"See not so bad was it.." Tony rests his hand on her thigh.. sending tingles throughout her body.

"I guess not.." she flashes him a smile.

"Where to boss?" Happy's voice is heard from the front of the car.

"Take us to the office Happy, I need to sort some shit with Pep.."

She gulped at the thought of facing everyone at the office. The girls, Pepper.. they're all going to be very judgemental of her, of them.

"Like I said.. try not to worry.." Tony places a soft kiss on her cheek.

When the car arrives at Stark Industries, they notice a row of people, the press again. All waiting for them to arrive.

"It's like you're royalty or something.." which makes both Tony and Happy laugh.

"Oh sweetie.. that's because I am.."

"No you're cocky.."

"Mmm... patience my dear and you soon will be.." he winks before exiting the car.

He hurries round to her door and opens it like the true gentlemen he's trying to be.

"Tony! Mr Stark!" She hears the voices of the press calling.

"What made you settle down to this?"

"Mr Stark! What does this mean for your relationship with Miss Potts?"

"Are you two serious?!"

The questions never ended. Tony took her hand and walked straight to the entrance of the building ignoring every single one.

Just An Office Girl - Tony StarkWhere stories live. Discover now