Chapter 14- I'm Feeling Things. Why Am I Feeling Things?!

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Razor heard a knock on the door of the converted firehouse he lived in so he rushed down the fireman's pole and approached the door. Not a lot of people knew where to find him, so he opened the door expecting everybody except the person standing on his doorstep. When he opened the door, Blaze was standing in front of him, absentmindedly chewing gum and popping bubbles, wanting nothing in a hurry.

"Hey Blaze. What goes on?" He greeted, surprised at her appearance. 

"My family's away and I got lonely. I hate pretty much everyone around here, but I just tend to hate you less so I stopped by to see what you might be doing." She explained. 

"Well thanks, it's nice to know you hate other people more than me, come on in. I'm not doing anything, really just finishing up some homework. Say, how did you know where to find me?"

"It wasn't too hard, considering that the team GroupMe pretty much puts everything out there." She answered. 

"True. I'm gonna grab some ice cream, want some?" He asked before moving across the open floor to the kitchen.

"Sure." She responded. 

Razor grabbed the quart of ice cream and two spoons, inviting her to follow him up to the top of the firehouse where they sat on the roof, looking out on the city. Blaze always found that when she was stuck in traffic, she couldn't hate the city more, but when she was admiring it from a different perspective, it really wasn't so bad.

The weather was at the point where it was chilly but not cold enough to stay inside and hide in a blanket with food rations and Netflix. They still had a few more days of the nice weather before it really started getting cold. Blaze's pale cheeks had started to turn a nice rosy shade after some time outside, and she turned and stared at Razor with bright green eyes.

"What's your story?" She asked as if it were no big deal.

"What do you mean?" Razor asked. After all, they really didn't know each other all that well. 

"Tell me what time was well spent and what time just... went." Blaze clarified. 

Razor chuckled and looked at his shoes. Of course she would be the type of person to ask him that.

"My nickname is Razor, given to me lovingly by the team because I'm fairly dangerous. I always end up hurting somebody. I'm sharp, and people don't want to go near me in fear of what'll happen to them if they do." Razor began. "Honestly, it was clever."

"My dad was a fireman for the company that used to be here. He was the chief, so he got the firehouse when they moved. So we moved in here. The job really took a toll on him, all those years of running into burning buildings, so he's retired. My dad put me in hockey when I was in middle school so I wouldn't self destruct. I guess that's all."

"Razor, there's always more to tell. I'll find out, though. I know."

"And what if I don't want you to find out?"

"There's no way of avoiding it. You can't hide yourself forever."

"Yeah, well what about you?"

"My parents got divorced when I was 14. They never saw each other since my mom works in international business and their marriage just didn't work out. My dad was able to keep my brother and I together, so when my mom stayed in California, we moved over here to settle down and start over again. I sometimes think that I'm adopted since I'm not like my brother. Or my dad. Or my mom. I'm terrible with people, and they're terrible with me. My parents named me Blaze because they thought my fire would never be controlled. They were right, but they didn't know that fires can be put out. But I guess that's just how it is."

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