Chapter 13- Of Course I Find You Here

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Between balancing schoolwork, hockey and his relationships, Razor worked at the local pizza joint a few nights a week after school when they didn't have games or hockey practice. He was in between making pizzas, flour on his dark blue shirt, and it was a slow night for a Friday. They were in the lull between the dinner rush and the late-night munchies, and there were only a few people eating in. Razor took a moment to scroll through Twitter before he was called up to the front by his coworker, Alex. 

"Razor, get off your phone and go man the cash register! We've got a customer! It's a really pretty girl, too, you'll want to check this one out." Alex said to Razor after coming through the doors to the kitchen. He put away his phone and walked up to the cash register, only to find Blaze standing there.

"Oh, hey, Blaze...? What are you doing here?" Razor asked, as if the answer wasn't obvious.

"I'm here to buy a pizza." She spoke, gesturing to her surroundings. She told him her order.

"Studying?" I asked while punching it into the register.

"You know it. I needed a pizza break, and I hear that you make the best pizza in town."

"Ah, so you came to see me!" He asked. 

"No, I really did just come for the pizza, but I figured I'd come say hello anyway."

Razor laughed a little before telling her her total and counting our her change back for her. "You know, you should stay." He casually mentioned, not feeling casual on the inside. He still felt weird, but he knew this was a step to moving their relationship forward.

"How come?" She asked, taking her change back and putting her wallet away.

"I'm about to go on break, and I could help you study. What class?" Razor said while closing the register and leaning up against the counter to meet her eyes, closer to her.

"AP Psychology." She answered. Razor knew that struggle.

"Oh, man. I'm taking that, too, but we don't have it together. I'm happy to quiz you on vocab, you know, only if you want."

"Sure, I guess. I just don't want Allie to get the wrong impression."

"What do you mean?" Razor asked, raising an eyebrow. Allie wasn't there, and he already told Blaze that Allie and him had broken up.

"The cheerleaders and football team are all coming in for a team dinner. Get ready, it's about to get wild." Blaze warned before walking away and finding 

Just then, they all walked in and started making a lot of noise. Razor's stomach sank when he  saw Allie, and she gave him a sharp stare that was like daggers in his chest. He knew he had to deal with it sooner or later, but he really, really wanted it to be later.

"Hi, Allie." Razor awkwardly greeted, and she said hello back icily. The quarterback and Allie's new boyfriend, Brady had his arm around her and gave Razor a threatening look that was impossible to ignore. Razor tried to keep the situation as neutral as possible- just take their orders and move on, but that seemed downright impossible.

"So, Allie, I see your lame ex-boyfriend is stuck here working in this hole in the wall on a Friday night, how about that?" Brady asked Allie a dig at Razor that hurt him pretty deeply. 

"Hey, at least I'm doing something productive, when all you're doing, Brady, is my ex." Razor shot back.

"It seems like I'm the winner here, though."

"Mm, not when you're the rebound guy." Razor responded, and Blaze was hearing their conversation from across the room. Blaze swallowed hard, his response bringing up a painful emotion for her as well, for she didn't want to be Razor's rebound girl.

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