Black Hole - Levi x Reader

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"You look dazzling tonight, y/n," Armin mumbled, throwing another one of his innocent, closed lips smile, "Like a supernova."

You patted your usual clothes, a slight blush creeping underneath your cheeks, "Armin, what's a supernova?"

"It's a part of a star's life cycle, supernova is the one before it turns into a blackhole." He stated as the both of you walked throughout the outskirts of the Survey Corps' headquarters. Usually, you'd be stuck inside the library with your blond buddy, lost inside the infinite pages of historical events and such. But today was an occasion, today you'd decided to cease the night breeze.

"You're calling me a black hole filled with trash?" You questioned, your crunching steps filling the eerie silence aside from all the midnight bugs.

He froze in place, thinking of some comeback, "N-no! Black holes are also very exhilarating things, I mean... You can't deny your curiosity to learn about them and their beauty. They're dark, intense. I'm stuck in your black hole y/n, and I can't seem to get out." What was before an insult was now a compliment, it tickled your stomach.

For the remaining of the night, Armin proceeded on informing you more and more about constellations, stars, supernovas, and black holes as you gazed at the darkly painted sky in nothing but admiration.

"Tch, pussy." A stern voice mumbled, his stiff chest facing the window while the man stared out ahead. A warm cup of black tea sitting on his palm and a wicked, eerie thought in mind.


It was early morning, the sun barely visible on your window pane, but that didn't impede the constant, thunderous knocking from blaring up behind the door.

You groaned, rolling on your bed, a bit groggy for staying up the whole night together with Armin, "Go away!"

"Open the door now, it's an order." Levi's stoic voice set you up in a nanosecond, your feet scampering on the cold floor as you hugged your bare arms.

You swung the door open, utterly abashed yet confused at the Captain's visit. He stood in the doorway, the hallway behind as dead as a paralyzed river. Your eyes were still adjusting to the light when Levi barged in, with black bags beneath his eyes hinting lack of sleep.

"Get ready, you have cleaning duty." He said, those words seemed dull, greedy, and dry, but nonetheless you proceeded on gathering your uniform.

"But it's six in the morning,"

"Do I care?"

"And today's Jean's turn."

He repeated the same phrase, not bothering to listen to any reasoning before exiting the room and slamming the door shut. The sudden news didn't exactly enter your system, as you were left aimlessly circulating the headquarters, with muscles that were far too numb to perform any type of exercise, let alone cleaning.

The brick walls radiated cold due to the mild morning, and as you finished scrubbing the floors, walls, you struggled to keep up. Your eyes were slightly puffed for sneezing quite a lot and your nose was beginning to become stuffy. It was the beginning of what could be a terrible cold, all caused by Levi's selfish acts.

You chose to clean up his office, in hopes of convincing him to finish this torture. Even though the actual chances of attaining that were barely possible.

As expected, Levi was left sit on his chair, filing through countless parchments with his legs placed on top of the immaculate desk. You slowly inhaled the warm air, longing to fall back asleep in his cozy office.

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