Sweet and Bitter Memories Pt.2 - Jean x Reader

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"Do you even know how to braid a hair, f/n?" Eren asked, observing as you struggled with the horse's mane. Your fingers were now trapped inside knots and more knots, immobile until the moment Eren decides to be considerate enough to help you.

"Would you stop teasing and just give me a hand?" You tried prying your fingers off, pulling the hair and only succeeding in almost receive a full blow on your stomach, "Sh*t!" You cursed under your breath after the horse's hooves scraped against your thighs.

"Okay okay, let me help." He chuckled, walking over to you and soothing the agitated animal before untangling the strands of hair slowly. You stiffened at his delicate ways of letting your hand loose, in particular how especially warm his touch felt during this winter morning.

You remained still, waiting for Eren to set you free whilst shifting your sight, not quite sure where to rest your eyes on. Somehow the day felt extremely bright, and maybe it was due to the hundreds of white clouds muddling the sky. But regardless, you were thankful for the existence of light as of this moment, because it permitted you to see the smallest details of Eren's soft looking skin- the little hairs sticking off his neck (almost like the most flawless peach in a farm), the glisten contracting off his complexion. It was so beautiful, he was so beautiful and all you wished to do was drown yourself on his galvanizing, aqua eyes, soul, and being.

He held onto you, his hand under your palm, with no strands in between. You looked back at him, alert of the situation, yet not completely sure on what to expect next.

"Eren..?" You whispered, lowering your head and trying to meet his gaze that was adhered to the ground. He whipped his head up, a mischievous smile plastered on his cheeks as he suddenly gripped your wrist and pulled you inwards, "EREN!"

You writhed your body midair hence plopping next to him, under what seemed to be a pile of hay both of you recently raked. Before you could fire profusions at Eren, he placed his finger above your lips, "Chill! We're having fun, right? Don't ruin it."

He was right. You were having fun, which at the moment was ideal to distance your worries away from a certain twat named Jean Kirschtein. Whereas you felt immensely guilty for using Eren for your own petty needs.

You huffed, troubled by your thoughts, "I'm such an asshooooooool*."

Eren chuckled, confused by your sudden statement, "Hey, don't say that," You rolled sideways, climbing onto his stomach and leaning your face, centimeters and seconds away from his lips.

"I say what I want, Titan Boy," You grinned as you lay back down, still conflicted, nevertheless trying to break the ice.

You could  hear Pietra, Levi's newest horse, chewing on her food; disturbing and torturing in this moment of silence, obviously not helpful in easing your mind, "So, Eren-"

"You're wrong." He muttered, turning to stare at you.


"We don't say what we want to. We say what we need to. Well, at least most of us do," He said.


November 22nd. Winter night.

You were sitting ahead of a fireplace, sharing some fuzzy and thick covers with Jean. He had brought over two tin cans, filled with warm beverages to fight off the threatening cold. The entire city of Trost was currently resided inside houses and cottages, hiding from the wind together and protected by the gods of the walls.

Prior to the evening, the both of you huddled closely inside the school grounds, hoping the day would end sooner. You were drowning in layers of jackets, barely breathing without freezing your lungs with the cold air.

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