Worth The Pain - Bertholdt x Reader

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"Connie Springer! Get your ass right here, in this second!" You yelled out, chasing after your bald friend, in pursue of getting back what was yours.

You tried seeming unimpressed or rather uninterested by what was currently happening, but quite frankly you were in the peak of fainting in embarrassment. Some of your comrades and fellow cadets began staring as you desperately followed Connie through the gazillion hallways inside the Survey Corps HQ.

"Wait till I show this to him!" Connie screamed, subsequently exhaling a wicked laugh.

"No! Please! I'm sorry for stealing your bread earlier!" You tried reasoning your way out, "You'll regret every touching my things!"

Both of you were supposed to be 'cleaning' the bathrooms, when Connie had the brilliant idea of barging inside your bedroom while snooping a few of your possessions, such as clothing and little decorations. And your worst mistake was to even think he wouldn't cause any trouble in the first place. That's when the buzzed haired man suddenly opened your 'forbidden drawer' and unfortunately stole your hand made drawing of the infamous Bertholdt Fubar.

It wouldn't have been bad if it wasn't for the little hearts drawn on the corners, and how bare his upper body was, and... how you also sketched yourself kissing his lips, oh so passionately.

"Karma is a bitch f/n." Was all that Connie answered before opening the cafeteria's door, his malevolent eyes landing upon the friendly giant. All your peers observed the scene closely, not understanding the sudden outburst.

You took quick breaths with widened eyes, quickly trying to jump onto Connie in hopes of preventing him from revealing your deepest secret. Yet it was far too late. You didn't care to blink as you watched Connie hand out the small canvas with a triumphant grin.

"Hm, what is this?" Bertholdt asked, reluctantly reaching out for the drawing, beads of sweat already forming at his forehead.

"This?! Is a special gift from our fellow f/n!" Connie said, turning around to pull you towards the diner table, only to notice you were no longer present inside the cafeteria.

By now, you were already inundated with an ocean of humiliation and mortification, while you ran rapidly away from the crowd with eyes that were too blurry with doubt and confusion. Before trapping yourself inside your room, the unexpected happened. And ahead of you, stoop Captain Levi with a stern and most likely annoyed look on his tedious face.

"Oi, you little brat. Weren't you supposed to be on cleaning duty?" He asked, pressing both hands on his hips. Oh, how bad did you want to laugh at the midget lance corporal. You walked towards him, standing a few inches taller and feeling a bit more superior.

"I was supposed to. Do you have a problem with that?" You questioned him, tilting your chin downwards and creating a shadow above Levi's head.

Suddenly, the man crashed his leg against yours, his nose fuming in anger, "Show me more respect from now soldier l/n." He groaned, "I'll come up with a severe punishment for what you just did. Don't expect me to be nice."

You winced in pain, kneeling down and regretting for contradicting the captain in the first place. He slowly exited, leaving you crouching on the floor in utter agony.

"Damn dwarf!" You screamed, not having enough strength to stand up after the compelling kick, "How great things turned out to be... first Bertholdt, now punishment from the infamous Levi. GAH."

Soon enough, heavy footsteps started approaching down the hallway, its echo lingering around the walls. You held onto your leg while suppressing the pain with long inhales and exhales.

And for a moment, you thought the person simply left you alone with your suffering until its soft voice ringed your ears.

"F/n? Are you... functioning?"

'Shit.' You screamed internally, shutting your eyes in bashfulness.

You didn't answer, expecting Bertholdt to eventually leave, but that unfortunately wasn't the case. He kept ground while you relentlessly pretended to be dozed off, that is until you felt extremely long arms encircle your back and weakened legs. And though you try hard not to yelp, a high-pitched groan escapes your lips.

"So you are a-awake." Bertholdt awkwardly stated, carrying your frame close enough to allow you to hear his rapid heartbeat. As weird as this encounter could be, you feel a certain cozy comfort from his contact, his warmth engulfing in a peculiar yet adorable way.

"Wh-where are you taking me?" You muttered, recognizing the aisle connected to your bedroom.

"Your room." You nod in acknowledgement, not saying a single word after that, too afraid it might frighten Bertholdt away. In fact, you were still unsure of the current circumstances of your drawing. 'Did he even see it?'

He leads you inside your dimly lit room, resting your body down the plushy bed. You notice how sweaty his skin becomes in a matter of seconds after exchanging glances.

"Feel free t-t-to take a seat." You curse for stuttering. For your amazement, Bertholdt decides to plop down beside you, the bed sinking due to his heavy weight and making you slide down and collide against his broad side.

Shivers run down your arms as you immediately scoot further away, heat blooming on your cheeks.

"A-about that picture," He suddenly mumbled, scratching the back of his wet neck. You notice how uneasy and uncomfortable the environment becomes as he speaks to you, shy consuming the both of you into despair.

You patiently wait for his next words, praying for the best while gazing outside the window, too afraid to stare into those blue eyes that made your heart melt. His thin lips quiver, not enabling any eloquent words. Maybe he was also having a hard time choosing the right words.

"I-it wa-was ve-ve-very... dammit I need to calm down!" He yells in frustration, his face now soaking with sweat, "It was very beautiful."

Filled with utter shock, your lips are felt agape, giving Bertholdt the perfect opportunity to plant the kiss you always longed for. His mouth molds flawlessly on yours and just like in the drawing, you let your lids to gradually close at his soft and tender embrace. The hazy feeling inside your mind makes this seem to be merely a dream, but nevertheless you sigh in contentment, the kiss compensating the agonizing pain on your leg.

"I guess you won't need to draw again for a very long time." Bertholdt whispers after detaching away, heavily breathing due to lack of air. His kind smile sets your skin on fire before you lean in for another compelling kiss. 

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