Fine By Me - Erwin x Reader

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    "You called me Commander Erwin?~" You said, directly looking into the mahogany door that remained shut, attempting for the billionth time to come up with the most... suitable voice, for when you would in fact open that door.

    'Maybe a little softer?' As much as you wanted to disdain Erwin's handsome curves, persuasive stare, and even how fast he accelerated your heartbeat, you simply couldn't. There's not much to judge for your exaggeration, though. After all, you were not the only one currently intoxicated by the man.

    You sucked in your preoccupations and lifted your fist, still telling yourself that there was not much to worry since Erwin has never bothered noticing you as other than a Squad Leader. Perhaps he only meant business for everybody else, too. Even your bitch of a roommate, who apparently was also pursuing the blond man's utter affection and attention.

    Before your knuckles could knock the hard surface, a loud conversation interrupted your thoughts. Flirtatious giggles escaped from the shut door, as you slowly glued your ears to it, furtively eavesdropping.

    "This one is even cuter! How adorable..." A high-pitched voice cooed, the sound of turning pages covering their quiet whispers.

    Your eyebrows lifted in confusion, while you struggled to remember that feminine voice that seemed so familiar. Nevertheless, you finally muster up enough courage to knock the door.

    At the sound of your knuckles their voices immediately came to a halt stop, taking a few minutes to recompose.

    "Yes?" Erwin's low voice mumbled, his feet shuffling towards you before the tall man opened the door just a fraction. You tried peering further inside his arcane office, but were soon impeded by Erwin's cough.

    "Oh— uh, I.. You called me?" You stumbled word by word, suddenly forgetting your previous practice. It was the way his stern glance would stare at you from head to toe, the chills that ran down your skin; they would all make you look like an overt retard, with a brain in the size of a nutcase.

    A wet substance began plummeting down your mouth, while you dozed off into Erwin's gaze. Would it be too much to ask to be embraced by his strong arms, to be smooched with endless kisses, to be comforted into sleepless dreams... to brush those smooth eyebrows. Just kidding, let's leave that job to Erwin.

    "Indeed. I've been wanting to find our last expedition's map and tactics, but they seem to have just vanished," The blond said, scratching his temples in desperation before allowing you to step inside the room.

    Your glances shifted from corner to corner, in search of who was flirting with your soon to be man. And boyfriend. And husband... To much misfortune, your eyes immediately met with Amanda's, who was currently sitting rather lazily on Erwin's chair. (For those who do not know, my name is Amanda and I'll be the antagonist of this one-shot ^_^ because being evil is okay.)

    After acknowledging your presence, she continued twirling her ebony hair, seeming uninterested and bored.

    "I thought you'd be locked inside our room the whole day." She said, grabbing a nearby photo album and pretending not to mind your threatening glare.

    "I was, until Commander Erwin called me." You answered, looking over at Erwin for some explanation, as to why he was permitting your roommate to wander around his supposedly 'confined' office. He looked away in shame, not quite sure of exactly how things ended up this way.

    "Oh this one is even more adorable." Amanda exclaimed, flailing the album up in the air while pointing at a certain picture. You scrutinized the photo, chuckling at the cute sight of a baby Erwin, his sleek hair swept to the left while he sucked his thumb.

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