Cheesy Lips - Reiner x Reader

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"Move it, shrimp." The most aggravating voice groaned behind you. Turning around wasn't even necessary to acknowledge that the voice belonged to the one and only, Reiner Braun.

Your shoulders lifted as you inhaled, your body as stiff as a wall.

"Could you wait just a bit, we've just arrived at the cafeteria." You huffed, grabbing food from the banquet brusquely and punching it down your tray.

"Thing is, I don't want to waste my entire lunch time waiting for some petty girl to grab her damn food. Now move it."

Your face flushed in anger, while you struggled to keep composure and ignore your craving to bash Reiner's face against the wall. If only today was an exception, but it wasn't. Same routine every single day of every goddamn forsaken week. You'd let Reiner stomp at your pride and humiliate you, because quite frankly you didn't give a damn.

Or did you?

"Yeah! Move it y/n," One of Reineir's colleague butted in.

"Could you be any slower?" One of his sluts, Amanda, whined. Soon enough the whole varsity football team began screaming at you.

The patience left inside of you was becoming as thin as a branch, until it finally snapped.

You lifted your half empty tray, before shoving it agaisnt Reineir's bulky chest, pieces of noodles sticking to his uniform and some tomato sauce tainting a crimson blob (is that even a word?).

After dropping the metal plate to the ground, you push the path away from the food line and sprinting towards the exit, far from the crowd. From far away, you could faintly hear people's whispers and gasps, only making you shrink deeper into unconsciousness.


For the rest of the schoolday, you've been hiding under the field's bleachers, afraid that Reiner's squad would immediately beat you to pulp at the second they land their stare at you.

There was one hour left to spare, before you could escape school and perhaps never come back for the meantime.

Your eyes were slightly red and your shirt soaked in tears. As if the situation couldn't get worse, your stomach began growling voraciously. You clutched your belly, shutting both eyes and bringing your legs closer.

Soon enough two figures entered the green field, one of them clearly desperate while chasing the taller shadow.

"What's up with you? Why are you acting like an utter ass with me?" A pitched voice whined. You slowly opened your eyes and crawled towards a hole, peeping through it.

"Maybe because I'm tired of your sick attitude?"

"Don't act as if you aren't doing the same,"

"Well. I'm also tired of being a complete f*cktard."


"Deal with it, Amanda."

You backed away, blinking a few times and trying to comprehend the scenario ahead of you. It was as if a tremendous weight has been melted off our chest, allowing a little sparkle of hope and optimism sneak inside of you. But still, this was rather too good to be true.

The obnoxious girl exited the field with defiant steps, her mind set on destroying a certain blond.

Reiner chuckled loudly, writhing his hips and setting his stare on the bleachers that were currently protecting your paltry body. You backed up even more, your eyes widening and rapidly searching for a route out.

"You can come out y/n." He said, punching his hands inside his pockets and looking down at the grass.

Your mouth remained shut, afraid of revealing yourself.

"Oh, so should I come to you?"


"Well that was a quick answer," He sighed, still walking closer to you, regardless of what you just said.

And with every step, your heart thumped vigorously inside unable to supress the excitment of what might happen in the next few minutes. Whether it was good or bad news, it did not matter at the moment. Your feet were frozen into place, until Reiner crouched down the bleacher and took a seat next to you, his knee grazing yours and instantly thawing through.

You leapt back, your cheeks a darker hue. He gripped your wrist, bringing you back closer.

"Didn't you hear me? I'm not gonna bite anymore." Reiner said, bringing his eyes up.

"I'm not so sure about that,"

"Unless you want me to bite somewhere else," He whispers, a smirk creeping up his lips.


"Okay, chill."

You clear your throat, stiffening your shoulders.

"Are you sure though?" He asked.


"Okay, okay."

After a minute or so, you begin missing Reiner's stupid flirts to fulfill this awkward silence. The feeling was agonizing, until a low grumble granted your wish.

"Was that your stomach?"


He sighs, fumbling through the pockets of his jackets and jeans, finally grasping what he was searching for. Various little packets were thrown to your lap, as Reiner looked towards the opposite side, his ears turning pink.

"Eat those, I got some from the cafeteria."

You glance down at the gazillion crackers, all of different flavors, a tightening feeling clutching your chest as you struggled to mumble those 'two words'.

"Thank.. you."

"Don't mention it, you must be starving."

"I wonder why." You say, loud enough to make Reiner twitch.

Before you could even open one packet, his brusque figure turns around, startling you. You stare at him in confusion as his finger tips touch your chin gently, perhaps too gently.

"Don't tease me y/n." You get inundated inside his dilated pupils, too lost to come into reality and stop yourself from feeling pleasure by Reiner's touch.

You gulped, finally turning away and concealing yourself with your h/c locks. To avoid any further embarrassment, you stuff some crackers inside your mouth.

"Do you know how good it feels to be with someone you've craved since the beginning?" He asks, leaning back on his arms while gazing at your maladroit composure, with a stupid grin upon his face.

You shake your head.

"It's like making 'the touchdown' you've been planning since the beginning of a football game. It's like finally being able to open a bottle of water, after spending days stuck in a desert. It's like harvesting the first beans of the garden you've been planting since years. It's like finally receiving the merchandise you ordered online. Except, it's better."

You swallowed down, lips parted in utter daze.

"It's as good as this," He whispers, gradually leaning in and pressing his lips on yours, "Your lips taste like cheese."

You huff, too confused to actually argue back.

"It's amazing."

Oh god. Okay, so first of all I am so sorry for not updating this for years.

"Unacceptable Amanda." //gets slapped by Sasha.

I am so so sorry, I feel disappointed at myself too. But I've been busy with school, especially with family problems, leaving me about no time to update my fanfics, except when I'm on my way to school.

So please, forgive me. I hope you liked this request of a pervert! and jock!reiner :)

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