Thinking Twice - Levi x Reader

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"Well, good luck." Connie snorts, patting your shoulder as both of you stood ahead of Levi's mahogany office door. You frightfully gulped the lump stuck in your throat, trying to maintain a stern face but failing so.

The dimwit you so called 'friend' quickly fled off, not desiring to stick around for whenever you had enough courage to knock on the Lance Corporal's door. You internally cursed Connie for previously blaming you for the lack of potatoes left on the kitchen's storage, which later resulted into an abundant amount of laps around HQ. Thing is, the sly bald-haired man was left with no suspicions of ever stealing two massive sacks of potatoes and bread.

It was nighttime and by the time you've completed the 20 laps or so, an eerie smell lurked around your armpits and entire body, from the waterfall of sweat constantly dripping down the pores your skin. You were here to settle things, overtly pissed for cleaning up after Connie's mistake. In other words, you were here to annoy the one and only Levi, for denying to listen to your reasonings and instead condemning you of thieving food.

"I owe you one f/n!" You heard Connie yell from afar, his words triggering an anger within you. Before knocking on the hard surface, you wiped your sweaty forehead with the back of your hand, making sure to taint the door with the moisture of your perspiration only to vex Levi's quirky obsession with immaculate things.

'Yes, you owe me 20 laps Connie.'

You knocked the door, spreading sweat all over it with the palm of your hand. Soon enough, you started rubbing against the cool wood, scattering the fetid smell of tiredness and exhaustion. Satisfied with your masterpiece, you decided to barge in since there was still no response to your vicious knocking.

Darkness embraced you, with only the illumination of the moon to indicate Levi wasn't there. Looking sideways across the empty hallway behind, you rapidly entered the warm and cozy room, slamming the now 'not so clean door'. A cruel and merciless smirk sneaked into your face, as a daring thought came into mind.

"You'll pay for your mistakes Rivaille."

Eyes now roaming towards his neatly organized table, you cautiously tip toed down the room, overwhelmed with anticipation to what you planned next.

'I'm so immature... it's bashful. But so is Levi. He deserves this.'

With the tip of your index finger, you slightly push the reams of paper tidily stacked upon his dustless worktable. You chuckled lowly as you witnessed the millions of paperwork slowly fall down the floor. After scattering the sheets through every visible corner, you ran towards the sparkling windows which seemed to be too spotless for your taste.

You coughed a bit, too nauseous by the strong scent of cleaning products inhabiting the office. With a hand pressed to your temples, you tried surpassing the strong headache trying to impede you from wrecking Levi's office. Nevertheless, you reached the tall window, its cleanliness enabling you to stare back into your reflection.

With the little strength left you blew onto the scrubbed glass, steam covering your reflection and soon creating a massive circle. Subsequently, you traced a taunting message with your finger, only to leave it anonymous with fingerprints as the single evidence.

- Think twice instead of jumping into conclusions, asshole.

More then pleased you exited the room, choosing to talk to Heichou in the following morning instead. All you craved for in this moment was a long lasting shower to ease your nausea and perhaps a midnight snack before falling into a deep slumber. But to much dismay, as soon as you stepped foot out of the office, you caught the sound of heavy and short footsteps quickly approaching you.

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