Chapter 2

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Wednesday's POV

I followed the blonde girl - who apperently is now my roomate - in the hallway.

- So, why are you at Nevermore? - she asked me with her squeaky voice.

- I was expelled from my last school - I answered dryly.

- Mmmm- She nodded. - Nevermore is the place where all the outsiders fit. You'll find your place here.

I looked at her, skipping through the doors.

- You seem to be pretty normal - I said. -Why are you here?

- "Seem" is the key word - She replied with a smile, shrugging her shoulders. -Now what do you think if I present you the other students? - she said, ignoring my question.

Thare was something misterious about Enid, after all. Maybe she wasn't as boring as I thought.

- So, as you know, the world is full of inexplicable things. That's cause a lot of them doesn't fit with the normies' logic. Here at Nevermore all and everyone inexplicable is welcomed - She said, like reading a historic guide. - Here's the werewolves, the vampires, the witches and every other supernatural creature you could think about.

She said all of this pointing at the different group of people in the courtyard, all wearing the same uniform black and blue Enid was wearing. The werewolves were at a table, eating something that looks like raw meat. The vampire Enid pointed at was wearing black sunglasses and drinking from a blood bag. Some other students were sat on the grass, reading or playing at their phones.

They were all acted like normal teenagers, yet they were here cause they didn't fit society's standard.

What a bullshit.

- And that's our room - Enid said, crossing the door in front of us.

The room was pretty spacious. There were two side of the room, one - mine - had a bed, a table, a wardobe, a chair and a night stand, all black and still empty since my luggage were still closed on the bed; the other one - Enid's - was full of colorful posters and a messy amount of clothes scattered everywhere.

- What do you think? - Enid asked me.

I picked one of her pink socks from my side of the room and said:- I think if your things don't trespass in my side of the room again, we won't have problems.

She took the socks from my hands, looking at it like it was the Holy Grail.

- Thank you. I thought I lost it ages ago - She said with the biggest smile i have ever seen in my life painted on her face. She proceed to threw it in the pile of clothes in the corner.

- All right I let you unpack and tell the staff to bring your uniform. The dining room is the room we surpassed on the way here. If you have any problems find it, ask one of the other students. See you at dinner.

Then she closed the door behind and I enjoyed the silence of my new - half colourful -room.

I sighed and decided to unpack my luggage.

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