Chapter 15

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Wednesday's POV

We got back to school the day the ritual would be officiate.

According Xavier's research, that night there was a stellar event: the alignement of Saturn and the moon. Saturn was the latin name of Chronus, so it made sense the planet was involved. I had no idea about the moon but Xavier explained us that the egyptian god of time, so another alterego of Chronus, was also the god of the moon.

Despite his research, Xavier didn't find a way out of this situation and none of us came up with a plan that could save us from the walking-dead-night we were about to experience.

Well, tecnically I had a plan. Threw Thing to the face of the guy who was wearing the mask and let my animated-hand friend steal the amethyst and run. But, according to Enid, my plan was insensitive since it would make in danger a fried. When I tried to told her that Thing was already dead and just brought back to life by Grandma's magic, Thing got offended and hid in its drawer-bedroom whhile Enid cried about the fact that, if I could sacrifice Thing, I could sacrifice all of them, including her.

Having a girlfriend was always so... dramatic? I don't know, anyeay I never spoke about throwing Thing again.

The day passed by, between lessons and texts. Xavier and Ajax came back at the library, looking for a last minute solution in a book they might didn't read yet.

I didn't think it was possible, considering how muche time they've spent in the library lately.

Tamara went back in her room after saying: - If they wanna bring someone else from the afterlife, so? I'm gonna have more un-dead friends.

Enid got back in our room while I called Tyler, who skipped school to go at the museum, bringing Thing with him. His - desperate - plan was to use Thing to steal the mask.

- So? Did your plan work? - I asked, doubtful at the phone.

- No - he replied - when we arrived the mask wasn't in its case. The guardian told me... Us... Sorry, Thing. The mask is being restored. I guess the bad guys already have it.

That was a bad news. I ended the phone call, after telling Tyler where we would meet that night, so we can go back in the basement all together.

I walked through the corridors towards my room. But, like my day wasn't already weird, I heard a sound coming from behind the door. Notes. Music.

I opened the door as slowly as I could, trying not to make it squeak.

I looked at Enid's back. Her hands were flying over the keys of the piano.

I didn't even know we had a piano! Till that day, it was covered by tons of her clothes that, despite Thing's organization, kept ending everywere. I remember Enid told me about her piano skills but, until today, I never saw her or listened her to play.

It was, actually, really hard to believe that someone so full of energy like Enid could sit at a piano. I've always thought of her more like a sporty person or a dancing person. But, here she was. Playing R.I.P. to my youth by the Neighboourhood, still unaware of my presence.

I closed the door behind me. The Click was enough to wake up Enid from her musical trance. She turned to me, one hand still on the keybord.

- Hey - she said, in her soft voice. The one she used when it was just me and her, alone, together in the bedroom, talking about everything and nothing. I realized how much I loved that voice just in that moment. It was my voice. The one she used just with me. That thought made me feel special.

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