Chapter 14

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Wednesday's POV

It was Christmas. I came back to Addams manor and I brought Enid with me.

Well, it was more complicated than that.

After that night, the relationship with Enid had turned... undefined. In front of everyone, we acted like we did before, when we were in our room, Thing was usually there, too. Then, there were the times Things was wandering around with the guys, exploring the basement, looking for other secret passages and hidden rooms.

Those were the moments Enid and I shared all alone, doing...things. And they never lasted enough long.

One day, when the guys were talking about what they were going to do for Christmas, Enid said she would come back to San Francisco. She didn't seem happy about it so, when we came back in our room, I asked her what was wrong. Enid told me that Christmas was usually a sad day for her. She didn't have a family to spend the holidays with so she spent the holidays with the other werewolves families. She always felt left out, tho.

She told me the story with her usual sad smile. I hated it.

I couldn't bear the idea of Enid feeling left out so I invited her at spending Christmas at my home.

And now, she was here. At my house. With my family.

I didn't thought about the consequences of my actions when I invited her. I didn't think about the consequences when I'm with Enid.

Ughhhh. Feelings made people stupid.

Still, I never felt so good in my all life like when I was with her. Not even torturing Pugsley, activity Enid didn't enjoy as much as me - like hanging my brother upside down till his face didn't turn red and looking at him wiggle out of the rope wasn't fun.

My parents didn't ask me question about the reason I invited Enid. They welcomed her like she was a member of the family.

I still had to deal with our indefinite relationship. So I presented her like "my roomate". I felt Enid tended next to me at the sound of that words but I didn't have any idea of what we were. If this was something or just a hobby. That thought hurted more than I would like to admit.

Enid was an amazing guest. She followed my grandmother in the greenhouse, helping her find the erbs for her potions, made experiment with Uncle Fester and Pugsley, that ended up with explosions, talked with Mother and started learning fencing by Father. She even started talking with Lurch, teaching him all about K-Pop.

I felt like a watcher. Looking how good Enid was and how my family appreciated her made me proud. It also made me realize how... happy? I'd be to present her like my girlfriend.

Still, I couldn't do it. I didn't know if we were in that kind of relatonship and now that I called her "my roomate" she probably thought I didn't want to be in a relationship with her.

I was torturing myself with this thoughts when I heard a rustle behind me.

My mother was there. Her long, dark hair, so similar to mine, the same black of the satin dress she was wearing.

- Sorry, Wednesday. I didn't mean to the disturb you - she said, putting the bouquet of black roses in her hands in a vase. I shook my head and shrugged.

- Somethings bothering you, darling? - she asked me, sitting in the chair next to me.

I never knew how could she read me so easily. I was sat in the greenhouse with a grimoire in front of me, I could easily be mistaken for someone absorbed by the reading. That was the plan. But Morticia Addams was the kind of mother able to read their children's mind. Maybe she could, I mean she could talk with ghosts. Maybe she sent them behind me and they told her about everything I did at school.

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