Chapter 3

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Wednesday's POV

I took out my cello from its case and harmonized it. The travel, luckily, didn't damage it too much. I put it back in the box and hide it under the bed. Then I proceed to open my suitcases, I put my clothes in the black wardrobe in the corner and my books on the night stand.

Then I put my laptop on the desk on my side of the room and check the news. Humanity was still killing the world so, tecnically, there weren't news.

There wasn't anything more to do in the room so I went out. I remembered the room Enid was talking about and I had no problems found it.

The was huge and remember me of the Great Hall of Harry Potter.

Yes, I've watched Harry Potter. No, I'm not gonna explain myself.

There were long tables were the students were sat, talking in groups, while the academy's staff served the food.

Enid raised her hand, catching my sight, and invited me to sit next to her. I didn't wanna do it but ... it's not exactly I had other choices.

I sat while Enid's smile went wider.

- Guys, she's my new roomate, Wednesday - She presented me to the groups of people in front of her.

- Wednesday these are my friends. - Enid told me and then proceed to present me each one of them.

- Xavier - She pointed a guy whose hair were gathered in a tail who nodded in my direction.

- That's Tamara - The girl with sharpy canines was obviously a vampire and if her teeth weren't enough indications of her nature, she was drinking from a blood sack.

- And, last but not least, Ajax. - This time the person sat in front of me was obviously a supernatural creature, without any facial characteristics. No eyes, no nose, no lips. The only characteristic was their long hair.

- Pleasure to meet you. - I said dryly.

- She doesn't like talking - Enid felt the need to explain. - Like Ajax, after all - She said, still smiling.

Maybe Enid's supernatural trait is smiling without feeling pain in her cheecks. I wonder if humans are able to smile that much.

The waitress served the dinner in that moment. The trays were full of all different dishes; from the normal ones, like burger and fries, to the more "exotic" ones like raw meat, spaghetti with lizard's eyes and spoiled bread seasoned with worms.

I took the BBQ bat wings. They tasted good. Not as good as Lurch's ones but... decent.

During the dinner, I didn't talk that much, not more than Ajax who didn't say anything since, without a mouth, wasn't able to do so. Enid talked the majority of the time, as I imagined. I learned more than I wish about her and her friends.

Xavier was part of a demigod's offspring, so, somehow, he was related to ancient egyptian god Thot. He liked to read, swim and still-life painting.

Tamara's favorite blood type was AB negative, she always wore sunglasses cause her eyes were ipersensible to the sun light and her favorite subject at school was Literature.

Ajax speaked with sign language, they were great at archery - how is still a mistery for me - and loved music. They were the designed DJ of all the party planned by the academia, so I guess they can be defined "a party beast". I'm still not aware of what kind of supernatural creatures they were. Or if they were a supernatural creatures after all.

Then, there was Enid. She loved all colors - she said she didn't have a favorite color cause she doesn't wanna hurt the feelings of other colors.

Yes, she actually said that. Yes, I'm still worried about her mental health.

She played piano, loved comics and grafic novels, movies and music. Every kind of music.

There wasn't anyone on Earth who would fit as my roomate worst than Enid.

She was noisy, colorful and worst of all... Happy. About everything.

God, I was supposed to live with her for the next months?

The dinner ended and Enid and I greeted the other guys and lead to our bedroom.

I changed my clothes and wear my black pijamas with my black and white striped jacket, then I brushed my teeth and went back in the room.

Where Enid was standing on her bed looking scared at my bed.

So, apparently, her face wasn't always smiley. Good to know.

- What are you doing? - I asked her.

- There's something moving. Between your sheets. - She said in a faint voice.

I looked at my bed and hear somekind of noise coming from my sheets. I moved close the bed, hearing Enid holding her breath. Then the parfume hit me. Vanilla and coconut.

I jumped over the bed and catch it.

- Hello, Thing. - I said to my friend, the living hand who lived in my house since my parents got married. - You really thought I wouldn't recognise the smell of your hand cream ?

- What's that? - Someone behind me asked. I turned around and I was instantly aware of the fact Enid was near me.

Too close.

She was invading my personal space. I liked my personal space and I din't want to share it.

I stepped back while Thing, in my hand, pointed its index from Enid to me.

- She's my roomate. Thing, Enid. Enid, Thing. - I said, dropping Thing on the desk, near my PC.

Enid bended down to look at Thing. They were staring at eachother. Then Enid shake Thing, saying "Nice to meet you Thing. My name's Enid", like it wasn't her first time seeing an amputated living limb or like she wasn't scared to death on her bed two seconds earlier.

That girl kept surprising me.

- You know, you're not allowed to bring strangers in the academia, right? - She asked me.

- I wasn't aware of it. - I replied. - Why are you here, Thing? Did Mother and Father sent you to spy on me?

Thing denied. "I missed you", it signed. My heart melted a bit but I would never admit it. "I wanna stay with you".

- Awwww -Enid cried. - How cute - She commented. - What do you think, is it gonna stay? - She asked me.

- Depends. Are you gonna spy on me and tell about Thing to the principal? - I asked her.

- Of course not. - She cried. - Thing seems to be pretty nice and if it's gonna help with the chores, I'm not gonna complain. - She said.

Thing danced on my desk, entusiastic.

So, apparently, now I had two roomates.

- Alright, time to bed. Tomorrow is your first day, you must sleep - Enid told me, like she was my mother, entering the bathroom.

- Do you understand what kind of person my roomate is? - I asked Thing.

"You like her, don't tell me the contrary" It signed.

I sighed in exasperation, then I opened one of the drawer and Thing jumped in to turn it into its bedroom.

I got on the bed while Enid left the bathroom in her orange and pink pjs. She jumped on her bed and turn off the light.

- Goodnight, Wednesday. - She said. - Goodnight, Thing.

Thing knocked in answer.

- Night - I mourmoured, turning aside, facing the wall.

It was a day full of surprise. So the sleep catched me the instant I closed my eyes.

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