Chapter 10

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Wednesday's POV

After the realization I had last night about me having a crush, I didn't want to spend a minute more in the same room with Enid. But apperently my roomate - who've been avoided me for entire week - this morning had no intention of letting me go.

- Come on, Willa - she said. - We have to choose our outfit for the ball. And you need to learn how to dance.

I needed what?!?

- I don't dance - I told her, but she didn't seem to hear me with her head in the wardrobe.

- I was thinking about a white-pink dress that fits my hair, what do you think? - she said, coming out of the closet with a dress that seemed made of white and pink cotton candy. - What are you going to wear? - she asked me, then.

Was I suppose to think about this stupid ball and what was I going to wear when a fucking pyromanica magician was gonna be there?

- I don't know - I replied, keeping my thoughts to myself. - Something black.

- Of course, you're gonna wear something black - she sighed with a smile. - Alright, then. - She turned around, her smile even wider. I had a bad feeling about that.

- Time for your dance lesson - Enid said, confirming my doubts.

- Absolutely not - I told her.

There was no way I would dance at the ball. And, by the way, I knew how to dance. I was raised by Morticia and Gomez Addams - the personification of the loving couple. They danced all the time... They danced or they fenced, but they were always doing couple stuffs.

- Wednesday we are going to a ball to dance and have fun - Enid told me.

- No. We are going to this ball 'cause we have to steal the magician's phone and find out who's behind the amethyst's theft. Remember the magician? The pyromaniac who set the cabin on fire, Enid? - I asked her, with a sarcastic tone.

Her face turned serious and I felt bad for making her smile disappear. I loved see her smile.

Oh, no. Oh, hell, no. I was not gonna fall in the hopeless romantic cliches.

- Come on - she said, smiling again. - We will have fun. I'm gonna teach you. You just have to follow the music and let your body express itself.

She turned on the speaker and connected her spotify playlist. This time she didn't play one of her k-pop songs but something more... pleasant to my ears. This song had some good chords I could play on my cello.

When the zeros line up on the 24 hour clock
When you know who's callin' even though the number is blocked
When you walked around your house wearin' my sky blue Lacoste
And your knee socks

The lyrics of the songs weren't that deep and they made my head imaging Enid, wearing my sweater and knee socks. That wasn't good. Nope.

My mind was out of control. I realized. Why did I fall for this girl? I mean there was nothing special about her. I tried to convince myself, but my now-romantic-brain was pointing out all the things I liked about Enid: her smile, the way she chuckles, her blonde-pink-and-blue hair that turned into a mess when she was asleep...

Ok, enough. I got it.

That was the moment I looked at Enid. She was... moving her arms in the air while jumping up and down.

What on Earth was she doing?

Then, I realized. That was what Enid called dance. Oh, God, I thought, shooking my head in disappointment and desperation. Everyone was gonna make fun of her at the party.

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