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Wednesday's POV

We spent the night in Principal Weems's office, explaining her how we ended up in the basement and why Tyler's dad - whose name was Norman, by the way - was almast dead on the floor.

Tyler didn't say a word after asking his mother "How's dad?". He just sat in a corner, looking at the floor in silence. It was so unusual for Tyler, being silent, it made all realize the seriousness of the situation.

When we finally got dismissed and we got back in our room, Enid and I were both exhausted. We fell on the nearest bed - my bed - and look at the ceiling.

Our body were literally begging us to sleep but, after everything we saw that night, it was impossible. My mind kept recalling what we saw. Moment by moment.

We saw a God.

- Thing - I heard Enid's voice by my side taking me back at today - how diid you ended up on Miss Weems's shoulder? - she asked.

My friend froze, immobile on my desk.

- When I saw Tyler's father I thought that we couldn't handle it - it signed. - I mean, you are just kids. You went so near the end of the world, I couldn't let you deal with it. So, I thought we needed an adult. Miss Weems was Tyler's father's wife. She was the best choice, so I took advantage of the fact you were all paying attention at the ceremony and I ran away. After all the hours spent exploring the basement, it was pretty easy to run away. I went to her office and explained her the situation. When we arrived in the basement, the timeframe was already gone and I had no idea if the ritual worked. I just hope...

Silence. Not me nor Enid had anything to say.

Thing did the right choice. If it wasn't for it, Norman would be dead now.

- Thank you, Thing - Enid said, expressing out loud what I was thinking. - You did the right thing.

Then she turned around, she kissed me on the cheek and she fell asleep on my shoulder. Having Enid's by my side helped me relaxed, her normal heat temperature was so cozy I fell asleep a few moments later.


We spent the morning after in the bed, while everyone else in school learnt about the adventures we had last night.

We woke up in time for lunch. When we got in the dining room, whispers followed us from everywhere. Ajax, Tamara and Xavier were sat at our usual table, obviously uncomfortabble for the unwanted attention.

- Hey - Xavier greeted us.

- No news from Tyler? - I asked, sitting.

They all shook their head in denial. I expected that.

- His father is at the hospital - Tamara told us. - He has been in coma since the ritual didn't end like it was suppose to.

I nodded.

- I don't wanna stay here - Enid said. - Can we go outside?

Enid's advanced senses probably made her listen what people were saying about us.

- Sure - I said with no hesitation, standing up. The others followed my example and we went to the bench we used to meet under the dead tree.

- Enid! - someone behind us called. We all turned around just to see Juliet run towards us and hug Enid.


- Are you okay? - Juliet asked Enid, interrupting what looks like a suffocating hug.

- I'm fine, Juliet. Don't worry - Enid replied.

- Don't tell not to worry - she replied. - You're a member of my pack, Enid. It's my job to worry about you.

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