Chapter 11

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Wednesday's POV

It's been two weeks.

Two weeks since Lucius's dead body was found on the statue and the shadow-killer - like Ajax called him - vanished. 

Two weeks since Tamara found that cufflink. 

At the beggining we all thought that was the clue we needed to finally find out who was behind the fire at the cabin, the amethyst and, now, the magician's death. 

But that geometric hourglass didn't bring us anywhere. Despite the hours spent in the library, looking in every book about symbolism and secret society, we didn't found anything. 

At this point, the amethyst was probably in another country and the mystery would stay unsolved. 

That thought hurted more than I would like to admit. I wasn't enough fast to steal the phone, to catch the killer, to put the pieces together. 

What hurted even more was the thought that, without this mystery, nothing connected me to the group of people I started to call friends. 

Withouth the mystery, Enid wouldn't have any reason to spend time with me and she would be all the time with Juliet. While I was doomed to see them walking around the school, knowing damn well how bad I would pay to be the girl next to Enid.

I took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of old books. It was time for me to leave the library. 

- I'll go back to my room - I said to Xavier, Ajax, Tamara and Tyler who had spent the last hours with me at the library, while Enid had lacrosse training. 

- I'll come with you - Tyler said, standing up and moving towards the door. He opened the door for me and, after I got out in the hallway, he closed it behind his back.

- You know the ball ended two weeks ago? - I asked him. - There's no need to keep this chaperon-chivalry-thing - I told him. 

For the last few weeks, Tyler acted like a perfect gentlemen while kept teasing me, his smirk always on his face. I realized I saw him serious only the day he told us about the night he saw the guy with the scar who set the hut on fire. Since that moment, he always wore that smirk.

- Has ever occured to you that maybe - just maybe - I'm a real life gentlemen? - he asked me.

I catched his image with the corner of my eye - he was walking by my side, his arms crossed behind his head like he didn't have a thought. - No - I said dryly. He laughed. 

We were almost at my bedroom when he started talking again. 

- Well, you're not wrong. I'm not a knight - he said, against my ear. I turned towards him when he leaned in and kissed me. 

I froze for a second. The feeling of his lips on mine was weird. And disgusting. 

My body reacted without my knowledge. I took a step back, interrupting the contact between our bodies, and slapped him so hard his face turned over. 

When he looked back at me, there weren't any traces of disappointment or regret on his face. Just his usual smirk. 

- How did you do something so stupid and yet look so satisfied? - I asked him, about to slap him again. 

- Oh, don't worry, darling. I didn't do it 'cause I'm into you - he said, rubbing his hand on the now-red cheeck. - I just thought you two needed a little bit of help.

-Who are you talking about? - I asked him, furious and confused, looking around to find the other person he was talking about. But there was no one in view. - There's nobody here beside me and you - I said, turning back to him.

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