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Hermione was in shock.

She was adopted. The family she knew and loved were not in fact her own. She was given to them as a baby. Unwanted by her real parents and cast off to muggles.

She couldn't wrap her head around it.

"Hermione?" Harry asked. She never even noticed that he was clasping her hand in his own, and rubbing her arm, and he called her name. She looked up. "Are you OK?"

She almost laughed at the question.

"Not even a little bit." She answered.

"Hermione, I know this is difficult to hear, but I do have more to tell you. Do you think you can hear the rest?"

Hermione wasn't exactly sure, but she knew she had to, so slowly she nodded as she squeezed Harry's hand, suddenly thankful that he was here and not Ron.

"Ok so, as I was saying. You were given to Jean and Philip Granger and your brother -"

"Jiminy Cricket! I have a brother!" She gasped.

Kingsley nodded. "He was given to a muggle couple from North London. Dumbledore thought you were both safe. He believed that he had truly hidden you both from the hands of your father."

"But he hadn't?"

Kingsley shook his head. "Your father found your brother and killed the couple who had adopted him. He took him back home and raised him. Away from your mother. She had no idea until recently. Dumbledore was clever. He had not told your mother to who he was giving either of you. He taught her Legilimency and even planted a memory in her head to make it seem like you and your brother had both died in childbirth. She was safe. Your father did not suspect your mother's part in everything. He eventually found out that your brother was alive but not you, Hermione. You, he didn't know about until the war when he learnt of Harry Potter's clever witch who was helping him defeat the Dark Lord. By then he was under orders from Voldemort and could do nothing to try and find you."

Hermione didn't realise she was crying until Harry handed her a handkerchief. So her mother gave up her children to keep them safe. But it only worked in her case, not the case of her brother.

But the more questions, Kingsley seemed to answer, the more questions Hermione seemed to have. Who was this man who tore apart his family and killed those who tried to keep them safe. Who was this selfless woman who gave away her children in the hopes that they will be spared from a terrible fate. And who was this brother. This sibling who Hermione did not even know existed until now, proving that she was not alone like she grew up for years believing.

Suddenly she was mad. Mad at the stolen life she could have had. Mad at the fact that because of this evil man, she was separated from her first best friend. The person she would need most in this world.

"Hermione. I did not know about any of this. The records containing your adoption were sealed and hidden within the Department of Mysteries. I am so sorry we could not help you sooner with this. I have had your mother here many, many times since the war, asking me to look into her missing children since your father was sent to Azkaban. Furthermore, I am ashamed to say that with everything that had been going on, an adopted children case was down the list of priorities. I couldn't believe it when I connected the dots and was able to confirm my suspicions. So much time has been wasted. But I have contacted your mother and your brother, and they are on their way here now to meet with you."

Hermione's eyes grew wide again. "They are on their way. Here? Now?"

"They are. I wasn't sure if you would want to meet them or not. I mean, I know a lot of time has passed, and I am sure you have many questions. Some of which I probably cannot answer for you. I wasn't sure if you would even want to meet them. But when I contacted your mother, she was so relieved to know you were both safe. Then I contacted your brother and I have my deputy explaining the situation to him."

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