Secret Smile

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They had all agreed that they would try to come up with a plan to get into the Headmistresses office, preferably when she was not there, to speak with Snape. 

They had passed around a few ideas, but as Professor McGonagall seemed to be the eyes and ears of this place, nothing they came up with sounded good enough. They had talked for hours trying to find a solution, but came up blank. So they agreed to have another go the following day.

Draco and Hermione had gone to bed, not talking, both too physically exhausted to really have the conversation they needed to. But neither of them slept. Hermione tossed and turned all night going over everything in her head. How she realised that Draco's feelings were justified because she knew she would feel the exact same way. Guilty that she had been spending more time with Ezra than the others and giving up evenings with Draco for evenings in the library with her friend. 

Draco had put up with all of it. But what made it worse.  What made her cry into her pillow was the thought that he had heard her. He heard her say that it would be easy to be in a relationship with a muggle. He believed she thought that her relationship with him was too complicated. It broke her heart that she even let him think that for a second, when it couldn't be further from the truth. 

Tomorrow she would explain it to him. She would fix this.

Draco couldn't even lie in bed that night. He paced the room back and forth for hours. He wanted to barge into Hermione'r room and tell her that he was sorry. That he was a jealous idiot, and he didn't care how many friends she had or who she hung out with, so long as she was his girlfriend. 

He didn't sleep a wink, and at 5am he decided to just head out to the dorm to make some coffee. He tiptoed so as not to wake Hermione, slowing opening and closing his door, only to turn around and see her sitting on the sofa. 

"I made some coffee when I heard you moving about. Do you want some?" She held up a coffee cup to him, which he took, muttering a thanks and sat down.

Draco turned to his girlfriend. "Hermione?"

She gave a heavy sigh, unsure of how the conversation was going to go and a little terrified. "Yes, love?"

Draco swallowed his bloody pride. "I wanted to apologise for snapping at you earlier. I was in a bad mood and I took it out on you, which is entirely unfair and -"

Hermione interrupted him. "Draco, I should be the one apologising to you. I didn't realise that I was spending so much time with Ezra. He just loves the library like I do, so I thought I would get him to go with me rather than annoy you. I promise I am not interested in Ezra, and he is not interested in me."

"I am sorry. I shouldn't have been so jealous."

"I shouldn't have spent so much time with Ezra and -"

"No! You don't have to spend all your time with me. I need to get over myself. Of course, it is perfectly fine for you to go out with your friends. And of course some of them are going to be male. I trust you completely. I know you would never do anything."

"I wouldn't.... I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize our relationship. Not for anything. I adore you. No one makes me feel like you do. You are the only one who knows the real me." She gave a smile. A smile that he knew all too well. A smile he loved making her do. 

"But Draco, I am sorry. I never meant for you to think that I would prefer to be with a muggle born. What you heard was me saying that I understood why he felt that. Yes, it would be easier to have someone know everything about you. But what you didn't hear me say was that, I was glad we were from opposite worlds. That we get to teach each other all the things that are important to us. That I get to see you experience muggle things for the first time and see your reaction. I love that!"

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