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Hermione was standing in her dorm room. Truth was, she had been so busy worrying about the parties and making everything was set up to perfection, that she never actually had time to plan or out together an outfit. 

Everyone else was sitting in the dorm room right now, ready to go, and she was standing in her towel from the shower wondering what on earth she could dress up as. 

Draco and already checked on her twice, so she needed to get moving.

There was another knock on the door and this time Pansy poked her head in. She was dressed as a devil with a red corset, tutu and high heels and devil horns. Hermione had transfigured a tail for her as well and her makeup was dark with a smoulder look. "I have been told to come and get you—why aren't you ready?" she grunted, stepping into the room. Hermione stood there looking awkward. "You didn't have time for a costume, did you?"

Hermione shook her head. "I completely forgot. There was always something else going on that I never got time to sort something. Hey, maybe I could go as a Slytherin if I borrowed your tie?"

Pansy crossed her arms. "That sounds stupid."

"What if I wore a sheet and went as a ghost?" Hermione asked, but Pansy shook her head. "Oh Pansy, I have no clue. Maybe I will just give the party a miss?"

"Ok, that is not happening. Let me think..." Pansy paced the room trying to think of something that would actually be good. 

Ginny was dressed a sexy policewoman, Luna as a butterfly. All the girls looked amazing. Hermione had to do something just as good. Otherwise, what was the point in even going. 

"What about one of those sexy maid things?" Pansy asked, she flicked her wand and Hermione's usual sweats and tank top transfigured into a sexy black lace corset bodysuit with fishnet stockings, with a tuxedo collar, bow tie and wrist cuffs and bunny ears with killer high heels. 

"No, Pansy. I look ridiculous."

"Mione, shut up! You look hot!"

"No, thank you, Pansy, but honestly I cannot wear this." She sighed and flopped down on her bed.  She was about to give up entirely when Draco knocked in the door. 

"Ready to go, angel?" Draco called. 

Hermione didn't feel like an angel, she felt like an ass. A fallen angel, maybe. Hermione gasped. She had an idea. 

"We will out in a second." She called, grabbing her own wand and twirling it around her, changing her outfit again. She took a look in the mirror and then twirled. "How do I look?"

"Merlin Hermione, you look amazing! It's bloody awesome. Let me do your makeup and hair," she smiled. 

"Wait to you see her!" Pansy gushed as she went out to join the others. "She looks bloody awesome!"

Hermione took a deep breath before heading out of her room and into the living room. She gave a cough as the others turned to look at her. 

Blaise spat into his drink, Harry could just say "wow" and Theo fell off the arm of the chair as he looked up at her. But Draco's expression was the best. His mouth hung open and he eyes were wide as he stared. 

"Hermione, you look awesome!" Ginny smiled.

"Sexy as hell!" Luna agreed.

Hermione giggled. "Thanks, it's time to get going. Everyone ready?"

Blaise dressed as a doctor held out his arm for Luna to take, and they headed out, followed by Ginny and Theo, who was dressed as a werewolf.

"You good?" Pansy asked as she guided Harry, dressed as a Military man, out of the room. Hermione winked in response. 

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