Feast News

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The rest of the train ride was fairly quiet after the group got back to their own compartment. Ginny and Harry went off to see if they could find Ron and talk with him, Luna had headed to find her school robes which someone has stolen out of her trunk already, Pansy was sleeping peacefully and Theo and Blaise were lying against each other, snoring loudly from the corner. 

Her pain from her fall might have eased, but she now had a headache, thanks to all the drama and commotion. She sat with the current book she was reading in her lap. She had been on this page for about 30 minutes already, and she was pretty sure she had read the same line over and over again. 

She couldn't concentrate. She kept going over what happened in her head. She rubbed her hand through her hair, stopping at the point where her injury was, and made a angry face.

"What has you looking so puzzled?" Draco asked her after a few minutes. He had been watching her since she sat down. He was ashamed to admit it, but he was worried that the attention she was giving Weaselbee was maybe more because she still had feelings for him than she was letting on.

"That little ginger pube! My hair is covered in blood."

Ok so maybe she doesn't have feelings for him, Draco though, chuckling to himself. "Want me to get it out for you?"

"My hero," she smiled as she turned around and a few seconds later, Hermione's hair was shiny and clean again. "Draco, I am sorry if you think I am crazy to help Ron. But I feel like I owe his family to at least try."

"His family?" Draco asked hopefully.

"Molly was like a mother to me and Arthur, a father. They always had my back and helped me through everything this summer. Maybe he really is a jerk and I am now seeing the real side of Ron but I have to find out." She explained and Draco nodded. "But I really dodged a bullet with that one, didn't I?"

"Dodged a -"

"It's a muggle term, sorry. It means I had a lucky escape. I think my next boyfriend, I need to really get to know before I jump into a relationship."

Draco smirked and turned to her. "What would you like to know, love?"

Hermione giggled as Draco leaned in cupping her face. "I feel like these past few weeks, I have got to know quite a bit about you." She closed the gap between them and kissed him, allowing him to pull her in and deepen the kiss. Forgetting where she was, Hermione put her hand on his chest, her other hand reaching into his hair as the kiss got more heated. 

Until the carriage door opened and they jumped apart. Thankfully it was only Harry and Luna and neither seemed to have looked in as they were entering. 

"I found him sitting at the far end of the train, but he didn't want to talk to me." Harry said looking down. "Ginny is with him."

"I am sorry Harry." Hermione knew that everything she was feeling, the anger towards Ron, the betrayal, the hurt, Harry was feeling exactly the same thing. 

Harry threw himself on the seat next to her. "It's not your fault Hermione." He lay down so his head was on Hermione's lap and his legs swung out over Blaise. Hermione began to stroke his hair. It was something Harry always said made him feel better. Hermione suspected it was something his mother may have done when he was younger. 

Even Blaise was now used to this. The three of them seemed to take turns being the one to lie down. And Draco now having lived with them was well used to this weird display. Theo and Pansy still thought they were crazy.

The carriage ride was just as quiet as the last of the train ride, Harry sulked looking out the window and Blaise looked annoyed that he could do nothing to help. Hermione looked miserable as she pulled her school robes tighter around her, covering her bare legs and Draco used this concealment as a chance to once again place his hand on her thigh, sending sparks shooting across her skin. 

Secret Smile.    *Complete* حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن