Plan of Action

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"What a spineless little fucking toad," Draco raged as he paced the common room. "Sorry Ginny."

Hermione and Theo had just told everyone exactly what they saw and heard on the 4th floor and to say it had caused quite a scene was an understatement.

Ginny was crying as she lay her head on Theos shoulder. Luna was patting her back in comfort. Harry was staring off into the fire, concentrating all on the new information as Pansy sat on his knee playing with his hair a look of worry on her own face. Blaise and Draco were pacing the room. It was making Hermione dizzy. Blaise had to be restrained to begin with as he wanted to go and knock Ron into the middle of next week.

Draco was furious and had spent the last 10 minutes calling Ron every name under the sun.

"Guys we need a plan." Harry said finally.

"Fuck the plan, we need The Minster," Theo snapped. "Nobody threatens my girlfriend or friends."

"But," Pansy began but Hermione cut her off.

"Theo is right. If McGonagall's memory had been tampered with, there are spells that will reverse the effects. We need to know what she saw."

"We also need to contact my mum and get her to warn us if Ron asks her to bake anything." Ginny added. Hermione gave her a curious look. "So you know Ron has tampered with it. We will have to taste test all your food and drink."

"Ginny that is -" Hermione started but Draco grabbed her hand.

"Happening. Ginny is right. I am not running the risk of him getting to you. We need to be careful. He threatened both you and Ginny and even said he would modify Harry's memories." Draco said.

"Yeah we need to be extra careful." Blaise nodded.

"What are you going to do. Have bodyguards with us 24/7?" Harry chuckled.

"Why not?" Pansy shrugged.

"It's not a bad idea," Blaise agreed.

"Shit guys I was joking!" Harry chuckled bur he was ignored.

"I am with Harry every evening. After dinner we are back in the dorm." Pansy said.

"I'm the same with Hermione," Draco shrugged.

"And me with Ginny," Theo added.

"Ok when we patrol, we do it in larger groups. That way he can't get them alone," Luna said standing up. "Boys you may follow Harry to the bathroom. We will do the same with Ginny and Hermione. At least four people with them at all times."

"Guys come on!" Hermione groaned. "Is this really necessary?"

"Hermione if the roles were reversed and it was Draco, Blaise and I in trouble or in danger, what would you do? Let us do this for you. It will make us feel better," Pansy said in a dead serious tone.

Hermione couldn't argue. She knew if the roles were reversed she would do the exact same. She wouldn't be standing here calmly discussing plans either. She would be off confronting Ron, probably hexing him too.

Suddenly she was very proud of her boyfriend. "I'm going to get a jumper from my room. Draco, come with me so everyone knows I am safe." She mock moaned as he sighed and turned flowing her into her bedroom. "We will be 2 minutes guys," she reassured a worried looking Blaise.

She closed the bedroom door behind her and turned to Draco. He looked apprehensive, as if waiting for her to argue.

Instead she lunged at him, jumping into his arms and wrapping her arms around him, planting her lips on his.

Secret Smile.    *Complete* Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon