List of Achievements

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Like he promised, Harry did go and see Ron. He called a meeting with the family and showed them his memory of the howler and even managed to Accio the letters that Hermione had sent back to Ron along with the ones she had kept to show everyone. 

He felt bad for outing his best friend in this manner but he needed to do something. Ron was a great guy but he could be very destructive and once he decided on an action he jumped first and thought later. 

Harry didn't want to see Hermione or Ron get hurt. 

Suffice it to say the Weasley clan were beyond furious at the redhead for what he had done. There was a lot of screaming and shouting and another few hexes thrown at Ron - even a punch from Ginny. Ron tried to defend himself but he knew he was sunk. There was nothing he could say to make it right so he accepted defeat and let them scream at him.

When there was nothing left to say he stood, glared at Harry and stormed out of the house. 

Harry apologised again for his part in everything only to be hugged by every remaining family member and sent off with a promise that he would pass on their apologies to Hermione and her family. 

And so Harry went back home and filled everyone in on the events of what happened, filling Pansy and Theo in on everything as well. 

The two Slytherins had grown very fond of both Hermione and Harry during the last few days and gladly accepted them as their own and into the group dynamic. So when they found out about what Ron had said and the threats he had made, naturally both were just as mad as their Hogwarts housemates.

Gryffindors were loyal and brave and Hermione and Harry just wanted to forget and move on. They forgot however that their new friends were Slytherins, cunning and devious and not as willing to forgive so easily. So as Harry and Hermione headed off to pack their bags before the train tomorrow back to school, the four Slytherins made a promise to seek revenge for both their new friends and to give Ron Weasley a Hogwarts reunion he would not forget too soon.

The last night of the summer holidays saw the family having dinner outside in the garden under twinkling lights and the moon. Hermione had taken it upon herself to give Poppy and Elmer the night off and instead had ordered food from the local village takeaways. 

Harry and Hermione laughed as the witches and wizards sat at the table looking carefully at the assortment of food in front of them. Chinese dishes were laid out - salted chilli chicken, sweet and sour pork balls, fried rice, boiled rice, satay sauce, peaking sauce, and chicken foo young. There were also Indian dishes - Korma, Balti, Jalfrezi, and Tikka. Harry has also ordered pizza, naan bread and burgers and chips. 

It was a true muggle feast but a lot of coaxing to get the Purebloods to try it. When they did, however, as Hermione predicted, they loved it and when they finally finished eating there was not much food left over. 

"That was bloody awesome!" Blaise said as he burped.

"I told you that you would like it," Hermione smirked at him. "You all should have trusted me."

"It's not that we didn't trust you, just your taste buds." Draco laughed. "But you proved us all wrong. The dinner was excellent!"

"I must admit that I am going to miss you all when you head back to school," Adelia smiled as they gathered around the fire pit. Hermione conjured blankets for everyone as they sat with their wine glasses in their hands. Draco threw his blanket over him and Hermione so she could drape hers over her shoulders as she tucked her feet up on the outdoor sofa she was on. Really it was so he could place his free hand under the blanket and hold her. 

"It will be so quiet," Narcissa giggled. "We won't know what to do with ourselves. Thank Merlin we have a ball to plan to keep us occupied."

"You must all promise to write to us and keep us up to date on everything that is going on," Adelia added.

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