Opening Up

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"I LOVE this stuff!" Blaise laughed as Hermione and Draco both turned a deep shade of purple. 

"Ok, so now we come to Miss Zabini," Mrs Combs smiled. 

"Are you sure?" Hermione asked. 

"Yes dear. Now just tell me in your own words, has Mr Malfoy done anything to you in the last few months that was not wanted or asked for?"

"No ma'am. He has been the perfect gentleman."

"Good. And he has never cast any spell on you that you are aware of?"

"He has not."

"And when you arrived to Zabini Manor and found out that you were in fact a member of their family how did you feel?"

Hermione paused. "Conflicted." She started before explaining. "I grew up with parents who not only loved me unconditionally but they treated me like a princess. I was well looked after and I was loved. They were charming people. Even when Professor McGonagall came to my house that summer to tell me I was a witch, my parents were nothing but proud of me."

"This past summer I travelled to Australia with Ministry members to reverse the Obliviate spell I cast on them before the war. But I couldn't do it. They had become foster parents to four little kids and they seemed to have a blissful life. I didn't want to disrupt that. They were happy and although I knew I would have to give them up, I knew I could do it as they were perfectly content."

"Then I stayed with the Weasleys. A wonderful family who treated my like I was their own. But I wasn't and I felt in the way, like Harry said. I was also at this point in a relationship with Ron who I knew I didn't want to be with. He just wanted sex but I wanted love. I didn't love him. The night I went back to The Burrow, I was there to break up with him. When I found him in bed with someone else. I wasn't even sad, I was...relived."

"I went back to my family and tried to forgot about it but the letters started to come. I didn't read past the fourth one. Some were cruel. Then I got a Howler but Draco and my brothers intercepted it and took it away. This family loves me. They look after me. I have loved every second getting to know them and getting to know my real family."

Mrs Combs was smiling. Mrs Zabini was crying along with Mrs Weasley, even Narcissa had tears in her eyes. 

"So Draco Malfoy, since you moved to Zabini Manor, has not hurt you?" 

"I trust Draco Malfoy with my life. He has become one of the people I am closest to. He would never intentionally hurt me."

"Good." Mrs Combs trailed her wand down Hermione where she sat. "Just as I thought - no trace of any curse, or any spell for that matter. Hermione Zabini is not under the Imperius Curse."

"LIES! She is. He did something!" Ron shouted pointing at Draco. 

The Minister stood and looked at Ron. "If you do not keep quiet, I will have no choice but to have you remanded. Please Ron, that is enough!"

Ron muttered something but did not speak again. 

"Now Mr Malfoy."

"Mrs Combs," Draco nodded. 

"Thank you for your patience."

"It has been both embarrassing and...illuminating," he looked to Hermione smiling. She was sure she would wear this blush indefinitely.

"Mr Malfoy, do you hold any malicious intent towards Miss Zabini?"

"Not a single drop." He answered honestly.

"Have you ever performed a curse, hex or cast a offensive spell at Miss Zabini...since the war, I mean."

"I have not, nor would I ever."

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