Aunt Jemima

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Hermione woke up the following morning, tight and sore from the events of the night before. She had never experienced pleasure like that. It was incredible.

She felt Draco move and pull her close to him. "Morning sexy," he whispered, kissing her neck.

"Morning you," she smiled back.

"Last night was...fucking unbelievable with you."

"Honest? You're not just saying that?"

"Are you kidding me? Every single little thing you did, was unreal. You are amazing."

She smiled. "I'm sorry. I'm just used to be being told-".

"He was a cunt. And a liar! You were by far the best I've ever had. I mean I don't know how it was for you. I'd never given oral before." He grabbed his hand and held it down on his hard cock. "That should show you how good it was. I can't imagine sex gets much better than that."

"Want to find out?" Hermione asked, turning to straddle him again.



That was pretty much how they spent their Sunday morning. Venturing out of bed to have a shower to wash off the sweat, only to end up doing it in the shower as well.

By lunch time, they were starving, so they dressed and headed down to the Great Hall for food. Besides the younger classes, the hall was pretty empty. The only other couple up were Pansy and Harry who were seated at the Slytgerin table.

Hermione kissed the top of Harry's head and Pansy's cheek as she sat down. "Someone's in a good mood today?" Pansy smirked.

"Two people are in a good mood today," Draco smirked. He didn't have to explain. They all knew what he meant.

"Well then that makes four people," Pansy grinned and wiped a piece of jam off Harry's face.

"Ah finally got your leg over, good for you mate," Draco said lifting his coffee cup up to the couple as Hermione placed food on his plate for him.

There was movement to Dracos right as someone sat down next to him. Hermione assumed it was one of the others so she didn't look up.

"Drakie," someone whispered sultrily as they linked their arm though his.

Draco removed it straight away. "What do you want Astoria?" He snapped.

"Not something I can say with your little friends here, honey." She whispered. "But everyone's going to Hogsmeade today so I thought you could show me your dorm room. I especially want to see your room." She tried to run her hand down his leg but he stopped her.

"Sorry but I'm spending the day with my girlfriend and -"

"Your what?" She gasped.

"My girlfriend. Hermione Granger-Zabini." He turned to smile at Hermione who beamed back.

"Hi Astoria," Hermione smiled in as friendly a manner as she could muster.

"Herm...Hermione is your girlfriend?"

"Yip. My girlfriend, better half, my love." He took Hermione's hand and brought it to his lips, kissing it. Hermione blushed and placed her hand on his chest.

"I thought you hated public displays of affection? You said it made you look weak and pathetic." Astoria sounded hurt.

"Turns out, with Hermione, it makes me feel and look strong. She is my everything. I feel like I am at my most when she is by my side. She is the one."

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