Chapter 4

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Drew's POV:

I spent about 15 minutes of lunch period looking for Carli and Dani. I couldn't find them anywhere inside the school.

I walked outside to the football field to find Dani practicing with his dad ON HIS LUNCH BREAK. Guess I'll tell him later.
I text Carli to see where she was.

About 2 minutes later I got a response.

~sorry! In the locker room making out with Courtney. She's gonna take me home after school as well *wink* I'll see you at study party!~

Courtney is the head cheerleader and student body president. She's also dating Matt Spinks who is captain of the boys soccer team. A real power couple some would say.

Courtney has been secretly seeing Carli for about 2 months. She doesn't want anyone to know she's into girls.

I keep telling Carli she doesn't deserve to be anyones dirty secret. But Carli thinks she's in love. It's a whole thing that I try to stay out of.

I sighed ~all good. I got some shit to tell you! See you later.~

At this point I only have 40 minutes left of my lunch hour so I decide to head to the Coffee shop named Sals around the corner for a quick bite to eat and a coffee. I can feel my energy emptying. Must be almost noon.

Walking towards the exit of the school was a blur. All I could think about was how close I had gotten to Olivia's face. She didn't even attempt to move away. What did that mean? Was it a power move or something else?

On my way out of the school I run into Alison Glover, a girl I sleep with occasionally at parties.

"Where are you off to?" She questioned.

"Sals. What's up?"

"Wanna take me with you? I'm starving and my friends bailed on me for lunch. I'll pay if you drive!"

"I could never say no to free food. But We only fucking if you buy me the lobster. I'm not cheap." I responded.

She started laughing. "Come on you idiot." She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards my car.

We ate our food and talked about the latest drama and what parties were happening this week. Thank god for Alison because I know my brain would've melted from overthinking if she didn't come with me for lunch.

We got back to the school and I walked her to her next class which was English with Olivia.

Fuck I gotta stop calling her that.

With Ms. Hot Ass........ I mean Wells.

We got to the door and Alison hugged me and kissed my cheek. "Thanks for hanging with me! I'll see you at Jacey's party on Friday night. Right?

"Maybe, I have to work but maybe after."

Everyone accept Carli and Dani think I'm a assistant to the owner of Club Plaisir. They have no idea I'm actually a dancer there.

"Okay I hope to see you there." She said as she turned to walk In the door.

I looked passed Alison only to see Ms. Wells frozen in the door frame staring at me. She looked angry.

She cleared her throat then looked away from me to Alison. She moved to let Alison in the room and I got the fuck out of there.

Had she heard the whole conversation? Why did she look like she was gonna rip my head off. She couldn't still be upset from finding out I'm her student right?

I walk into my Art class and sit in my chair. The best thing about this class is the teacher does not give a FUCK. He demonstrates what he wants drawn and usually puts a random object in the front of the class and tells us to draw it then takes a nap in his office.

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