Chapter 8

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Olivia's POV:

Drew knew what she was doing.

That dance was insanely seductive and I'm glad she didn't make us do it a fourth time because I don't think I could resist her at that point.

On the drive home I kept telling myself "you are not attracted to Drew, it was just a really intimate dance." When Drew pulled me close to her and moved with me to the second part of that dance she looked like a super model. But While she was on top of me her aura just yelled "SEX GOD."

She's my student. It's just a dance. Chill Olivia.

I pulled into my apartment complex and parked my car. As I closed the door I got a phone call.

It was Greg.

My crazy ex Greg. He has called me 5 times today and I haven't answered. You'd think he'd get the hint. I decided to answer and tell him off.

"Hello" I answered.

"Hey baby girl. Why have you been avoiding my calls." He asked.

A shiver went down my spine when he called me baby girl. "Because I don't want to talk to you. What do you want Greg?"

"I want you back baby. I need you."

"No Greg. You NEED to be in a mental Hospital. We are over. Please leave me alone." I said then hung up.

I can't believe I was in a relationship with that guy for a year. I let him control my entire life. I put my foot down when he said I couldn't dance anymore. He went crazy. He tried to kill a guy at the club I worked at just because he got a lap dance from me. It's my job!

I sighed as I walked into my apartment. I showered and put on cozy pajamas. I didn't have any assignments to grade because it was only my second day teaching today. So I sat on my couch and grabbed a book to read.

I tried to read but every time I started a paragraph my mind wandered to Drew. How was she so "experienced" at 18. The brunette was torturing me. She captured all my thoughts and I couldn't stop thinking about her on top of me.

She's in high school Olivia. She's your student. She also might have a girlfriend. I saw that girl from my 3rd hour kiss her on the cheek yesterday. But if she had a girlfriend why was she asking for my number that morning? I'm so confused.


Not my problem. Stop thinking about Drew!

I decided to just go to bed so I'd be well rested for work tomorrow. It was Thursday and a A day so I'd have Drew in my class second hour. How am I supposed to stand up there and lecture with her eyes on my body. After we danced the way we did today?

I'll figure it out as I go I guess. I just need to sleep these hormones off.


I woke up at 4 and decided to skip the run today. I didn't want to risk running into Drew. The less I saw her the better. She was just too much for my senses to handle I set my alarm for 6 and went back to sleep.

At 6 I got up showered and got ready for the day. I decide on long peach skirt that hung down to the middle of my calf paired with a white button up that I tucked in to the skirt. I put on a pair of heals that matched the belt I put on and left my hair straight. I put on light makeup and my eye glasses.

I left my apartment and drove to the high school. I parked in the teachers lot and headed in towards the front entrance. I was about 30 minutes early so I could get organized before class.

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