Chapter 15

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Drews POV:

I woke up to my alarm at 4 Am. I chose a pair of track pants and a sweat shirt. It is starting to get colder and I love it. I'd rather be cold than hot. I set out on my run towards the park listening to my sad songs playlist.

Currently "Alone" by Noah Cyress is blasting in my ears and I was lost in the song and my run when I realized I was almost at the park. What if  Olivia is running in there. Do I want to potentially run into her this morning?

I decided I didn't want a not so rare "Olivia encounter" and turned around so I could run around the park. That's when I saw a black mini van slowly driving down the road.

Fuck this is sketchy. Why is that person driving so slow. Whatever I'll be fine just keep running.

I ran past the van and kept my eyes from looking towards the van. I kept running down the road a ways before I glanced behind me. The van had turned around and was slowly driving behind me again. Fuck.

What the fuck do I do. I felt my fight or flight kick in and I just took off sprinting. I need to get off the road. I decided to just sprint back to my apartment. I was only like a mile away at this point. I turned a corner and kept running. The black van still behind me. I have never been this scared in my life. 

The weird thing was the van never got closer to me. What if they want me to lead them back to where I live? What if that's when they'll grab me. I turned another corner and decided to hide. I was out of the vans view for about ten seconds. That was long enough for me to cut into someone's yard and jump into a bush. I watched as the van turned to corner and prayed they didn't see me jump in here. The van sped up and kept driving down the street. As I saw the van disappear I relaxed.

Holy fuck.

I climbed out of the bush and hunched over to put my hands on my knees. Why was that person following me? When I caught my breath I realized I had a couple cuts from branches on my hands and legs. I also had a pretty large cut across my right cheek. 

I was only a half mile away from my apartment so I decided to walk. I kept checking behind me every 10 seconds paranoid that the van would be there.

I walked up to my apartment and let myself in. I put my back on my front door and sank down to the floor. I didn't realize that I was shaking. I guess I was more terrified than I thought. When I got my body to stop shaking I got myself off the floor and into the shower.

When I got out of the s bower I got my hands and legs to stop bleeding. Then I put a bandaid over the cut on my face. My face looked rough. My eye was almost healed from last week when I ran into......... Olivia. 

Oh my god..... Olivia.

Did Olivia go on a run today? What if the van went back to the park and followed Olivia?

I immediately pulled out my phone. I had Olivia's number still from the other night at Miguel's. I had to make sure she was okay.

I pressed the call button before I stopped to think about what I was doing or what I'd say.

The phone rang. She didn't pick up. I started to panic a little.

Chill drew she's probably fine. I called again. No answer.

I sent her a text

~did you go on a run this morning? Are you okay?~

I looked at the time 6:45.

Fuck I need to get ready for school.

I kept checking my phone for a call or reply from Olivia. Nothing.

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