Chapter 36

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Olivias POV:

I stood in front of the venue shocked.

What do I do?

He didn't tell me where he took her. I need to see her. To see that she's okay.

I ran inside and found Carli again. She was talking to a group of people I assumed were her parents.

"Carli come with me." I grabbed her arm and pulled her away and into a empty room.

"Olivia. What the fuck is going on?"

"My ex has Drew."

She stood there and stared at me.

"Come again?"

"I have this crazy ex. I guess he's been stalking me. I saw Drew before the ceremony at her apartment and she said she wasn't safe. He must've black mailed her or something. He has her..." I explained then I burst into tears.

"Woah woah woah. How do you know this?" She said putting her hand on my shoulders

"He just called me........From Drews phone."

She stepped back from me and looked bewildered.

"Do you think he would do something to her?" She asked me.

"I wouldn't put it past him." I nodded my head tears still falling from my eyes "he's psychotic."

Carli paced around the room with her hands on her head.

"We need to get Dani." Before I could say anything she ran out of the room and came back two minutes later out of breath with Dani.

"What is going on?" He asked confused looking at my tear filled face and Carlis angry one.

"Give me your phone" Carli said demandingly.

"What why?"

"Just give it to me!" She yelled.

Dani handed it to her and we both watched her for a moment. What was she doing?

"Got it! Let's go!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the venue to the parking lot with Dani running behind us.

"Got what? What is happening!"

I was shoved into the passenger seat of Carlis car and Dani jumped in the back.

Carli looked at me and I stared at her confused.

"Drew shares her location with Dani in case of emergencies ever since they moved in together." She explained and she peeled out of the parking lot.

Holy fuck.

"And he has her phone!" I yelled. "You are a genius."

"What the fuck is happening?" Dani yelled from the back seat.

Carli explained what was happening while we sped through the streets.

Drews location showed her outside of town.
We drove for about 30 minutes when we pulled up to a empty broken down Barn.

My heart sped up.

We walked quietly to a window and that's when we saw her. She was tied to a wood chair and she had blood in her hair. There was a big cut on her lip and her nose looked broken.

Then out of the shadows came Greg he had a gas can in his hands and was spilling the liquid all over the floor and then threw some on Drew.

No. Not Drew.

"Stay here." I whispered to Dani and Carli. "Call the cops. Tell them everything."

I didn't care anymore. I needed to save Drew.

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