Chapter 5

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Olivia POV:

This day just keeps getting worse. Drew has absorbed my thoughts all day. Every time I got her off my mind she'd show up in a room.

When I ran into her this morning I thought she was gorgeous even with half her face turning red. She was nice and flirtatious. I enjoyed the short conversation we had on the trail and I hoped that I'd see her again. I just didn't think I'd see her so soon.

When she looked up at me in second period today I almost just walked back out of the classroom. I was so angry with her. After my initial shock of her being there I realized I couldn't stay upset with her. What was she supposed to do, tell me she's a high school senior in her introduction in the park?

I  had her delete my number thinking it would be over and second period would be  awkward for the rest of the year and that's that.

I moved to this town last week after I was hired for the English teacher position at the high school. I knew there was a couple clubs in town that I could work at part time so everything was finally working out.

I had a rough time in the last place I lived. a crazy boyfriend was the main cause. he couldn't get over the fact that I danced for other people. He basically started stalking me and it got really toxic. I just needed a fresh start.

Sandra hired me after having one conversation with me. I thought it was pretty weird but I just went with it. Her club has a no touching policy and it looked like a real professional facility. Not some back alley bar with a small stage.

When I saw Drew at the club I went straight into fight or flight mode. This girl is everywhere I go!

Right now she is breaking down the duo routine she needs me to learn by Friday and I am having a hard time paying attention. Partly because this day has been surreal and I'm exhausted and also because she took off her crop top and is only in a sports bra and leggings.

She started going into the next part of the dance when I stopped her. "Listen. I'm so sorry I know it's not professional but I'm having a hard time keeping up with you right now. Can we just start at the beginning?" I asked as I focused on her face making sure to not let my eyes wonder.

"Yeah sure. I know it's been a weird day for me too." She replied and winked at me. "I have somewhere to be in 30 minutes though."

"Last time you said "I have somewhere to be" you turned up in my English class. Are you gonna show up in my apartment this time?"

"Is that an invite Ms. Wells?" She laughed

I just huffed at her

"Okay okay! How about we just meet at the dance studio down the street tomorrow. I know the owner and he lets me use any open room whenever I need it. Can you be there at 4?" She offered.

I thought about the offer for a moment. I don't want to be alone with this girl any more than I have to. But I really need to learn this dance.

"Fine. What's the name of the studio? I'll be there at 4."

"Great I'll have my assistant pencil you in to my oh so busy schedule Ms. Wells. The studios name is called "Auroras"" She answered. "It's literally one block away from here."

I started getting ready to go. "Thank you for helping me out Drew. Can you stop calling me Ms. Wells her at the club though? People might start asking questions"

"No problem." She said as she held the door open. "Anything for a pretty lady like yourself." She said smiling.

I ignored her flirtatious grin and walked through the door. We walked towards the parking lot together in silence. I cannot believe how weird this situation is.

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