Chapter 7

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Drew's POV:

After school I drove back to my apartment and passed out. When I woke up from my nap I felt a little better than before. I think a new rule of study party should be no tequila allowed.

I looked at the clock and it was 3:30. I needed to be at Auroras soon so I got up and got ready to go. I ended up throwing on a black pair of track shorts and a white cut off tank top that showed a little bit of my stomach.

I grabbed a bottle of water and my keys off the counter and headed towards the dance studio.

This is so weird. I'm about to teach my English teacher a very sensual dance. I know I said I would be professional and I will do my very best to stand by that but....... She is just so damn Hot!

I pulled into the parking lot at 3:50 and went inside to ask Keith if I could use an empty studio.

Kieth is the owner of Auroras dance studio and was a good friend of my moms. He's also the reason I dance at all. He let me come learn at his studio for free since I could remember. This place is like a second home to me. Kieth is was the only adult growing up that I was close to. He is also the first person I told that I like girls. I know if I ever needed anything Keith would be there.

I spotted him at the front desk slouching in his chair hitting on one of the dance moms.

"Yo Keith! Can a friend and I use a open room?" I interrupted. The dance mom walked away.

"Hey kiddo! Sure. I think number 5 is open for the day. Who's this friend?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"A co-worker. Don't make it weird." Right after I finished talking Olivia walked in the door. She looked beautiful in a crop top and a pear of blue leggings.

Kieth instantly stood up and walked over to introduce himself.

"Kieth this is my coworker Olivia. Olivia this is Kieth Helm. The owner of the studio." I introduced as they shook hands.

"It's nice to meet you Mr. Helm" Olivia said.

"Anyone as pretty as you can call me Kieth" he winked.

"Ew Kieth go away." I shoved him and he laughed and walked back to his chair. I took Olivia's arm and started pulling her away from him. "I said don't be weird."

"You are welcome here anytime Olivia!" He laughed.

"Thank you Kieth. I'll see you later!" She said as I dragged her away to room five.

We walked into the room and I turned on the lights. The room lit up and showed a wooden floor with a wall full of mirrors on the opposite wall. Next to the door was a Bluetooth stereo that linked with the speakers in the ceiling.

"Home sweet home" I said under my breath as I walked to hook my phone to the speakers.

"This place is nice! And I love the name of the studio." Olivia said looking around.

I froze. "Yeah Kieth changed the name about 18 years ago. I like this name better."

"Why Auroras?" She asked me staring into my eyes.

I took a deep breath and answered "My moms name was Aurora. They were best friends."

"I'm sorry Drew. There I go asking questions with sensitive answers." She responded looking at me worried.

"I told you it's fine. It doesn't bother me."

"Well that may be what you tell people but I can tell by your body language that it bothers you." She answered taking a step forward making our bodies less than a foot apart. I felt this weird pull to take a step towards her and close the gap. I wanted to touch her, hold her hand, kiss her or all of the above.

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