Chapter 12

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Drews POV:

I woke up to the sun blasting through a crack in  my  curtains. I moved to close them and I immediately felt pounding in my head. Today was gonna suck.

I closed the curtain and check my phone for the time.

11:30 AM.

I never sleep in like that. Thank god I had nothing planned. I went into my bathroom and took some Tylenol then threw on a shirt that could fit 3 of me in it and left my room.

I saw my friends scattered around the apartment still sleeping. I decided to be nice and door dash is some food and start a pot of coffee.

Carlis head looked up at me when she heard me get water for the coffee pot.

"Damn it Drew. What time is it?"

"Good morning star shine. It's 11:40." I answered.

"Damn I thought it was way earlier." She got off the floor and dragged me towards my room.

"I need Tylenol and all the details of how work went." She said.

She grabbed herself Tylenol then threw herself on my bed.

"Sure make yourself at home" I said rolling my eyes.

"ugly, Tell me what happened!"

"Nothing! We danced. I made a lot of money. Then I came to the party."

She threw a pillow at me. "I want details! How did you feel?"

"Honestly. It felt amazing dancing with Olivia. Everything feels so natural with her."

"Awe my little Ugly is in love."

"I'm not in love. I barely know her. But oh my god you should see her solo dance. It was the hottest, sexiest thing I've ever seen." I said thinking back on her eyes locked with mine as she seduces the crowd and me along with them.

"Sounds like you had a great time. Maybe I'll sneak in tomorrow for your Sunday showing. I would tonight but I have plans with Julie." Carli replied.

"All good. Make sure she doesn't see you though. She might get upset if she sees a student there." I paused "so Julie.........?"

"Yes Julie. She's sweet and pretty and not currently dating a boy." She growled out the last part.

"Speaking of Courtney. Did she talk to you yesterday? She was glaring daggers at you when I left the football game." I asked.

"She called me a little after the game. I ignored it. I didn't feel like playing her game last night."

"Good. You are too good for her Carl. I'm sick of her making you sad." I said and hugged her.

"I know. It's just....... She told me she loved me yesterday when we were making out under the bleachers instead of going to class. Then went to be with Matt. It's all just too much."

"Do you love her?" I asked.

"The sad part is I think I do. But I can't sit around waiting for her to want me as much as I want her." She sighed and tossed her head back onto the pillows.

"I know it's hard. But if it's any consolation, I think Julie is pretty cool." I stated.

"Yeah she is. I want to get to know her more. But I also don't think I'm ready to lose Courtney yet. I'll figure it out. Speaking of figuring shit out. How are you going to sit in Olivias class on Monday knowing you've seen her almost naked?" She asked and walked out of my room.

Thoughts of my hand on Olivias bare skin invaded my brain. Oh god. How was I ever going to look at her as a teacher? Just under 15 hours ago I touching her and holding her and I'd have to do it all again in just a few hours. The thought seemed to cure my hangover and put me in a fantastic mood.

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