Chapter 18

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Drews POV:

Now Olivia hates me. I pretty much forced myself on her. I have never done that to anyone before. I was furious and turned on.

I wasn't mad that she danced on the guy. I was upset that she turned me on and fucked with me just to leave me high and dry....... Or should I say wet........... I think I reacted because this isn't the first time Ms. Wells has left me with Blue balls.

I just.... I needed her. I don't know how else to explain it. My body craves hers and I hadn't even kissed her yet.

At this point I don't give a fuck that she's my teacher. That shit doesn't matter to me. All that matters is her.

When I felt her kiss me back last night my brain felt like it exploded. Her lips felt like they were made just for me. Her hands in my hair felt like heaven. Her body molded into mine was like home.

Boy did I want to stay home forever.

But then she pushed me away.

I immediately realized I fucked up.

The kiss was amazing........... but it's not how I wanted our first kiss to go. I want to kiss her when she wants me. I should've asked for consent. Now she will never talk to me again.

"Drew por favor deja de soñar despierta y presta atención." My teacher said pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Lo siento señor" I replied.

When the teacher moved on and turned toward the front Dani said "you okay over there?"

"Yeah. It was just a long night." I whispered back.

He nodded his head but eyed me as if saying "I know you did something" then turned back to the front.

The bell was ringing to release me to my second class of the day. English.

As I walked closer to her class my stomach felt like it was dropping out of my ass. I haven't been this nervous since my first day at Club Plaisir.

I rounded the corner and saw her at her door greeting students as they walked in the door.

Since she hadn't seen me yet I checked her out. She was wearing a pair of high waste black dress pants paired with black heals. She had on a silky blue collared shirt tucked into her pants. Her hair was straightened and flowing down her back.

It was so simple but she looked like she could walk down a runway. She's just so beautiful.

I continued getting closer to her and avoided looking at her as I walked in her door until I felt a hand touch my shoulder.

"Drew. Will you stay after class. We need to talk." She said with a sad look on her face.

"Sure." I said then walked into her class and sat down.

What does she want to say to me? Is she going to yell at me. She's probably mad.

Olivia put on a video about adjectives and sat at her desk.

I sat in my seat continuing to run how the conversation could go in my head.

We were halfway through class when I came out of my trance like state and looked towards the video that was still on and then at Olivia's desk. I realized her eyes were already on me. She had a concerned look on her face. When she saw me look at her she quickly averted her eyes.

How long was she looking at me?

Probably long enough to know I hadn't watch a single minute of the show she put on. Great another thing for her to be upset about.

The video ended soon and she held a class discussion. I didn't take my eyes off of her. Watching her teach was almost as entrancing as watching her dance. She was just so passionate about whatever she was saying.

She was on a rant about proper punctuation when her eyes locked with mine. She stumbled on a few words then looked away and continued speaking.

Soon class was ending and everyone was filing out of the room. I sad in my desk and watched as the last few people left the room.

Olivia walked over to the door that was next to my desk and closed the door. She stayed with her back to me for another moment then turned around with a sad look on her face.

"Drew I......"

I didn't let her finish I had to apologize before she yelled at me.

"Olivia I am so sorry. I shouldn't have thrown myself at you like that. I regretted it almost immediately. Please don't hate me." I splurged out.

I knew I said something she didn't like immediately because her face contorted into a confused look.

"You........ regret it?" She said looking at her feet.

This response took me by surprise. Did she not regret the kiss?

"Honestly? No. I regret HOW I kissed you." She looked up at me and I gained some confidence. "When I kissed you, you didnt want to be kissed." I stood up and slowly walked towards her. "I shouldn't have forced you to kiss me." I got in front of her and she stood there frozen. I don't know what came over me but I needed to touch her. I pushed a strand of hair behind her ear and looked into her eyes and whispered. "I won't kiss you again until you ask me to."

We stood like that for another 5 seconds before she moved away from me.

"Drew" She paused. "The kiss was......... unexpected. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't been replaying it in my head since it happened." I smiled. "But it can never happen again. I need this job Drew."

I felt my heart break a little. What did I really think was going to happen?

"I can't keep doing this with you Olivia." I walked to the door before she could respond and left without looking at her.

I had to get out of the school. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I needed to run. I got in my car and just started driving.

I can't take another disappointment.

First my mom dying. Then my dad died. My grandma hasn't had a real conversation with me in over a year. And now the first girl I fall for I can't have. I can't do this. I need a break.

I turned the radio on so I could have a distraction and Katy Perry's "Hot N Cold" came on. Perfect.

I kept driving not knowing where I was going or when I'd be back.

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