Chapter 23

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Drews POV:

After Olivia left I cried until I fell asleep. I woke up to a nurse prodding me. It must be morning because the sun was gleaming through the window.

"Good morning Miss Line. We are going to release you now. Do you have someone picking you up?" The nurse asked handing me some forms.

"No I'll just get an Uber." I said half awake.

She nodded her head and took the forms.

"You can change into these scrubs. Your clothes have a little blood on them."

She handed me some scrubs and went on her way.

I ordered an Uber and left the hospital. The drive home was short. When I got into my apartment it was 7:30. I sat on my couch and just stared at my blank TV.

Was yesterday real? Did it really happen? I wrecked my dads car. I almost died. Then I lost Olivia. I am so dumb. I need to explain.

I dialed Olivias number the phone rang but it went straight to voice mail.

I sent her a text.

~please answer. I need to explain. Then I'll leave you alone. Just let me explain.~

I waited for a minute and sighed giving up and setting my phone down. As I put it on the couch it buzzed.


Olivias POV:

My phone rang for a second time.

I answered it and put it to my ear. I didn't say anything.

"Olivia." Her voice sighed into the phone. Just hearing her voice say my name sent goosebumps over my skin.

"Yes." I answered.

"Are you okay?"

"No. Now please explain why you would pretend to be someone else." I jumped straight to the point.

"Ok...... I...... I made the tinder account about a year ago. I felt so alone after my dad died and my grandma stopped talking to me. I just wanted to talk to people. The fake name was my moms nick name. The pictures are of her. She was 25 when she died giving birth to me. That's how old the profile is." She paused taking a breath. I sat listening to her hanging on to every word she said.

"I matched with you way before we kissed last weekend. I never thought I'd have a chance with you. I wanted to get to know you but I'm your student. When You agreed to be friends with Rory and I decided that was my chance. I should've told you I was Rory after I kissed you. You confided in her. You trusted her. It almost felt like you needed her. How could I take a friend away from you?" She sighed into the phone.

"I'm sorry Olivia. Please can you forgive me?"

I sat on my couch not moving. Rory was my friend. Basically my only friend at the moment. Now I have no one.

"Olivia?" She questioned when I didn't answer.

"Drew. I forgive you." I sighed. "But I can't trust you." I felt a tear fall from my eye.

"That's better than I deserve. I'll leave you alone Olivia. See ya later." She hung up the phone when I didn't say anything back.

The truth is I didn't want her to leave me alone. The messed up thing is I wish she was here to comfort me while I cried over her.

After the phone call I fell asleep. I slept until late in the afternoon. The rest of the weekend was bland. Almost as if there was no color or brightness in the world. Drew didn't come to the club for her shifts. She couldn't dance with her face looking the way it does right now.

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