chapter thirty-eight

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chapter thirty-eight: oops

The four agents were quick to make it to the latest crime scene, looking around and talking amongst each other before they make their way back to the model home, meeting up with Morgan as Emily was out grabbing the list of home owners who had pets...

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The four agents were quick to make it to the latest crime scene, looking around and talking amongst each other before they make their way back to the model home, meeting up with Morgan as Emily was out grabbing the list of home owners who had pets from the security office.

"Hey, Reid, where's the list of people that didn't make the meeting?" Morgan asks the boy as they walked into the house.

"Right here" he hands him the paper.

"We need to look at all 71 files. We need to eliminate suspects our way, not theirs" Hotch says before Morgan gets on the phone.

"Garcia, I got you?" Morgan asks his phone where Penelope was on the other end.

"Fingers at the ready"

"What's up?" Ruiz walks into the room.

"There are only 67 files here. Where are the other 4?" Cassie asks.

"Well, one of them's me. And the other 3 are the victim's husbands" Ruiz explains.

"Why would they automatically be cleared?" Morgan asks.

"Wouldn't they? I mean, if you're gonna check them, you might as well check me" Ruiz chuckles.

"We are" Cassie says shortly and Ruiz looks a bit surprised.

"Detective, where are the missing files?" Hotch asks and Ruiz turns around.

"Right over here" he says as he goes to grab them.

"Garcia, we need you to run a few more names" Rossi tells her as Ruiz hands Rossi the files, "Phillip long"

"Long has no suspicions on his record, no arrests, and no technology either" Penelope tells them.

"Drew Jacobs" Rossi lists the next name.

"Drew Jacobs has a couple arrests for assault when he was younger. I'll give you more details on that in a sec. Is this the husband of the woman whose computer I went through?"

"Yeah" Morgan tells her.

"She was really unhappy with him. She said he was distant, he left her alone at night" she informs them.

"Yeah. Wandering around outside" Ruiz adds what he knows of Jacobs.

"Outside?" Rossi asks.

"As a matter of fact, before his wife was killed, he was my top suspect" Ruiz tells them.

"Wait, wait. He's an I.T. expert who travels around the world" Penelope finds and Morgan looks up at everyone.

"He's a tech" he says what they all are thinking, "All right, thanks, baby girl"

"What's going on?" Emily walks in.

"There was another murder" Morgan tells her.


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