chapter eight

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chapter eight: (god) daddy

chapter eight: (god) daddy

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"Hey, sorry I'm late. How's JJ?" Cassie runs into the waiting room where everyone was.

"Will got here like thirty minutes ago and she's still in labour so you're good" Emily chuckles as her friend ran in panting.

Cassie had told them the test results while she was on her way over to the hospital and now it was all up to the part of the team that was in Vegas to use that information.

"Okay, well I have to call Reid so I'll be right back"

"Is he okay?" Emily asks and Cassie nods.

"Yeah...well...I think. I don't know, Morgan said I should call him. He's...I don't know" Cassie stutters and Emily understands before shooing the girl off.

So, Cassie walks off to a quieter part of the hospital and called Spencer.

In Vegas, Rossi, Reid, and Morgan all waited in the hotel lobby, waiting for a call determining the ID of a fingerprint found on a pair of glasses that were found at the scene of Gary Michaels's murder.

A phone rings, making Reid jump up as he feels the vibration come from his pocket and he quickly answers it.

"Doctor Spencer Reid" he jolts up so he's standing.

"Spencer, if you checked your caller ID you would see that it said 'Cass the loml greater than sign three'" the voice on the other end responds, making his eyebrows furrow in confusion.


"Love of my life"

"Greater than sign three?"

"It's a heart, Spence"

"That's not what your name is under my phone"

"Spencer, I was teasing you. It was a joke" she laughs, "lighten up, love. How are you?"

"We're running a test on some fingerprints found from Gary Michaels's murder scene"

"Who are you running them against?" she asks.

"A few people" he vaguely responds.

"Is your dad one of them?"

"Cassie, he said he knew who did it. We can't rule him out"

"I know, I know. It's part of procedure" she assures him. It's quiet on the line for a few seconds, Cassie doing this on purpose so that Spencer could think to himself for a minute in order for him to talk to her about what was on his mind.

"Who is he trying to protect if he didn't kill Riley? Who was he trying to protect back then?" he eventually asks.

Cassie pauses for a second to say the right thing before a theory pops in her head.

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