chapter seventeen

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chapter seventeen: holes

The day went on for Cassie as she spent her time with her mother

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The day went on for Cassie as she spent her time with her mother.

She watched as her mother smiled and laughed; a complete 180° from how Cassie remembered her and it made her happy.

But it also made her sad, because she knew that, at some point, her mother had to know about Nathan and what happened to him and she knew that when she did find out, she wouldn't be the same.

And Cassie hated pretending like everything was okay with him when it wasn't. Especially the fact that she had to lie to her mother about him.

But she had to keep it in, afraid of what it may do to her mother in the fragile state that she is in.

So, she left the facility with her heart heavy and her mind elsewhere as she drove home. She decided to pick up some food on the way, dinner for one spent reading and learning since she had nothing else to do.

She missed the BAU.

She missed the BAU so much that, after she finished her dinner, she texted Emily to ask her to intrigue her with any work they may be doing.

But instead of texting back, Emily decided to call, having a lot of interesting information that she didn't want to type out on her small Blackberry.

"Wow, must be interesting if you're calling me" Cassie chuckles.

"It is. I want to see what you may think of the information that we have so far"

"Where are you guys?"

"Jersey" Emily responds.

"Alright. Hit me"

"Kyle Murphy is the third of a string of boys abducted and killed. We haven't found his body but everything from the scene appears to look the same as the first two victims"

"Okay" Cassie responds warily, knowing there was more to the story.

"We caught a suspect for the first two victims but he doesn't quite fit the criteria of this crime scene like he did with the others when you look at the details"

"What do you mean?" Cassie asks, sitting down on the couch now.

Emily explains the minor differences in detail from Kyle's crime scene versus the others, Cassie taking note of everything.

"Also, Kyle's parents have not let go of each other's hands since I've met them. They're always holding each other-"

"That's odd. Usually, when a child goes missing, the parents grow apart, blaming one another for the disappearance. But the Murphy's have gotten closer?"

"That's exactly what I was thinking!" Emily exclaims, glad she wasn't the only one thinking that.

"I think the Murphy's are hiding something" Cassie shakes her head.

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