chapter forty-two

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chapter forty-two: ghosts

The team is in the air, looking over the case again and conversing about what has happened and what could happen based off their own findings

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The team is in the air, looking over the case again and conversing about what has happened and what could happen based off their own findings.

Cassie sat on one side of the couch while Spencer sat on the other side, isolating himself in the dark corner while reading a book on religions that could help with their investigations.

He was quiet for most of the time until Hotch called on him and Spencer moved closer to the group to explain his own theories based off what he was reading. Cassie could tell Spencer was still uncomfortable; wincing and staying quiet. She wished she could do something to help him but he was already doing everything he could.

Once Hotch assigned everyone to their tasks for once they land, Spencer got up and walked to the coffee bar only a few feet away.

Morgan looks to Cassie with a questioning look, Cassie immediately receiving it as a "what's wrong with Reid?" look and she just shrugs. Seaver had gotten up from beside Morgan and towards Spencer, making short conversation with him before he sits back down next to Cassie.

She looks at him and he sends her a small smile before going back to reading but she keeps looking at him.

"Yes, Cass?" he asks, still reading.

"You okay?"

"Yeah," he looks back up at her, "I'm fine"

"Hm" she doesn't believe him and he slightly chuckles.

"What's the 'hm' for?"

"You're a terrible liar" Cassie slightly smiles and he playfully rolls his eyes.

"I feel like I've historically done a pretty good job at it" he teases her and it was her time to roll her eyes now, a small smile still on her face.

The two can feel eyes on them as they both simultaneously look up to see Morgan looking at them.

"Yes, Derek?" Cassie asks with a knowing smile.

"Oh, you know, don't you?" Morgan asks with a laugh.

"Know what?" Seaver asks as she sits back down next to Morgan.

"Nothin'" he chuckles, giving the couple a side eye and they laugh to themselves.

Once they landed, they were all separated; Derek and Spencer sent to the community center, Emily and Hotch to the last crime scene, and leaving Rossi, Cassie, and Seaver to set up at the local PD.

As Morgan and Spencer walked to the community center, Morgan could tell that something was off with Spencer and tried to make him feel a little better.

"So, you and pretty little thing have been dating for a while now I hear?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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