chapter thirty-two

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chapter thirty-two: "you're obnoxious"

Spencer met Cassie at her place as promised and they had a quick dinner before they sat on the couch, Cassie forcing Spencer to watch terrible teen movies with her

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Spencer met Cassie at her place as promised and they had a quick dinner before they sat on the couch, Cassie forcing Spencer to watch terrible teen movies with her.

"I don't understand how they know exactly when to sing and exactly what to sing. These aren't known songs" Spencer rants as Cassie laid her head on his chest, letting out a laugh.

"That's the magic of Disney, Spence"

"And I don't know how Gabriella got the part over Sharpay who was obviously more interested than Gabriella"

Cassie excitedly pulls away from him and gives him a look.

"Thank you! Right? Like Gabriella had zero interest in it and she gets the part? Bullshit" Cassie shakes her head and Spencer laughs at her outrage before pulling her back to his body, wrapping his arms around her and pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" Spencer mutters into her hair and Cassie lets out a hum.

"Why don't you want the team to know about us? I mean, I know nothing's set in stone at the moment, but it's kind of their thing to know every aspect of our relationship" Spencer slightly chuckles and Cassie pulls away to look at him.

"Well, that's one point. It seems a bit intrusive, don't you think? I like my privacy and I love the team but sometimes they know too much" she laughs and he nods, agreeing, "and also I don't want there to be this thing where everything is about our relationship, you know? And I'm scared of Hotch and Strauss. AND I know we won't hear the end of it from Morgan" she lists

"Why are you scared of Hotch and Strauss?" He asks, focusing on that part of her worry.

"I don't want them to think that our relationship is going to distract from our job. I kind of want to wait a while before telling them so that if they do use that against us we can just be like 'well, we've been together for this long and no one seemed to notice if it affected our job'" she says and he nods.

"That's smart" he says after a thinking about it for a second.

"Well I do have an IQ of 182" she jokes and he playfully rolls his eyes.

"Alright, genius" he chuckles and she smiles, looking at him for a second before leaning in to press a kiss to his lips.

He closes his eyes as a smile reaches his lips, pulling back shortly before kissing her a few more times.

"I like when you do that" he tells her once they pull away.

"What? Kiss you?" She slightly chuckles.

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