chapter two

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chapter two: it's in the stars, reid

A couple of days pass by, the team delivering the profile and two people are murdered with very little progress on who the unsub is or where she may be

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A couple of days pass by, the team delivering the profile and two people are murdered with very little progress on who the unsub is or where she may be.

Everyone was sent out on different explorations while Reid and Bentley were ordered to stay at the precinct to read up on the files and try to find anything.

The two hadn't talked much after getting off the plane, not really having time to themselves like this (but also neither of them knew what to say, especially Reid, given the fact that Cassie's presence made him nervous).

So, they worked silently; Reid looking through the letters written by the original Angel Maker as Cassie stared at the pictures of the victims' puncture wounds, still trying to figure out why they seemed familiar.

"Reid" she grabs his attention and he looks up at as she turns around from her spot in front of the board to look at him, "do these look familiar to you?" She asks him while pointing at the pictures and he squints as he tries to scroll through his endless amount of knowledge that his eidetic memory allowed him to contain.

"I'm not quite sure what you mean," he says after a few seconds of staring at the pictures.

"Like, the patterns. I swear I've seen them somewhere but I can't quite remember where. Thought maybe your eminent brain might have seen this somewhere" she sighs before turning back to look at the board.

Spencer stares at the pictures for a little longer before Cassie turns around quickly with a look that said that she had an idea before she quickly walks out of the room.

Spencer's eyebrows scrunched together as his eyes followed where she went before shaking his head and dismissing the action in order to continue on with his work.

Cassie is quick to come back in with sheets of white paper in her hands and set them down in a line across the table. She takes each picture of each victim off of the board and placed them so that they sat above the white sheets of paper as a reference sheet.

This piques Spencer's interest as he sets the letter that was in his hands down, watching what Cassie was doing as she grabbed a pen and copied the dots on the victims' body onto the clean papers below them.

She had drawn out all of them in a matter of minutes before taking a step back to look at what she's done.

To anyone, including Spencer, it just looked like a bunch of dots on a paper but now that Cassie stood back, she could see the lines connecting together.

"Wait, Reid," she looks up at him, now knowing what it was, "these aren't random. These are constellations" she quickly grabs her phone to call Emily who was with Rossi, Hotch, and Morgan.

The four agents make it back within ten minutes and walked into the room that Cassie and Spencer had been in all day to hear what Agent Bentley had to say.

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