Chapter 4

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"I'm sorry, my dear, I'm so sorry," a lady was crying as she kissed my forehead. What the hell is going on? I was here to find Chris, but who is this lady crying in front of me? She feels so familiar and yet so strange. 

I was about to grab her hands, but then it was a total blackout. What the? Where is this place? Where the hell am I?

It startled me as someone caught my hand. I screamed out. 

"I'm so sorry. I was only changing the fluid." The woman apologized, pointing at the bottle in her hand and at the stand, which had an empty bottle hanging down. 

I blinked as I looked around assessing my surrounding; I was inside a hospital. The hospital staff was running around, the ambulance sirens filled the room, and injured were being brought in. 

"May I?" the nurse asked me. 

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that." I smiled at her as she resumed her work. "May I ask how did I reach here?" I asked her.

"Oh, a friend of yours brought you here. You fainted at the nearby cafe and when you arrived you had a fever, you might have passed out because of weakness, so you've been here for an hour, we gave you a fever reducer and you can get discharged after you've finished this bottle." She replied.

"You said a friend brought me here?" I blinked, I had no friends here. But the image of yesterday's stranger crossed my mind. Wait! Why did I think of him? I shook my head. He was just a stranger, a rude one at that!

"Oh, here he is," the nurse smiled at the man who was walking towards my bed. 

I focused my eyes on him. He was wearing a peach-colored shirt inside his looks-so-expensive white suit, his black hair was styled backward, and from head to toe, he was definitely covered in branded items and yes I had no clue of this friend of mine. His concerned grey eyes peered into mine, "Feeling better?" He asked. 

The nurse excused herself to see other patients, leaving me alone with this new stranger. 

"Thank you for bringing me here but do I know you?" I asked. 

"Oh what a cruel thing to say, I even treated you to coffee, you know," He clicked his tongue as he sat on the tool beside the bed.

"Oh!" I exclaimed, "So it was you, huh?" 

"Yes," He smiled. 

"Thank you... er?" 

"Viktor Vasiliev," He introduced himself.

"Amethyst-" I was introducing myself but he cut me in between, "Amethyst Jones," He completed it for me.

"How did you?" I looked at him in confusion.

"I'm sorry but I needed your identification," He apologized as he took my phone and my passport out of his pocket, "For you know..." he shrugged, "hospital purpose." 

"That's fine, thank you," I smiled as I took my belongings back.

Just then someone came running towards my bed, "Amy... Amy? Is that you?" The middle-aged man looked at me with tears in his eyes. 

I blinked, I knew him, he was the man in the picture with my brother, my father. 

"Dad?" I was puzzled. How? When? What?

"Oh, Amy!" The man pulled me into a hug as he sobbed. 

"Dad..." Tears pooled in my eyes, and with everything that had been going on in my life, Marisa's death, Chris's disappearance, I had been feeling so cold and so numb, with one hug from my father, his warmth melted all those away and I was crying like a baby. 

After a few minutes, we both calmed down. 

"I have so many things to say... I..." I tried to speak but tears fell down nonstop.

"It's okay, now that we've found each other, we have time," Dad smiled at me through his tears. 

"Sorry to break the moment," Viktor spoke. 

I then realized he had been here the whole time, I immediately wiped my tears. 

"He's the one who brought me to the hospital," I introduced him to my dad.

"Thank you-" My father froze as soon as he saw Victor. 

"So, here you are Boris Ivanov," Victor smiled seeing him, there was something off about that smile, the warm atmosphere changed into a sudden chilly one. 

"Master Victor..." 

"You know each other?" I asked.

"Yes, we go way long, isn't that right?" Victor looked at my father. He then looked at me with a warm smile, "he was my employee, a great one," He kept his hand on my dad's shoulder, "I never guessed it would turn out to be you when we talked on the phone." 

Seeing the confused look on my face, Viktor spoke again to clarify, "He called on your phone and I told him you were here." 

"I missed your call and when I called back, he informed me about you and I rushed here immediately," Dad replied.

"Ah, I see," I nodded my head in understanding, that's how he reached here, makes sense. 

"Now I should excuse myself and let you have your time," Viktor looked at his watch, "I need to be somewhere, you, take care of yourself." he smiled at me. 

"thank you," I smiled back at him.

"and Mr. Boris, I'll see you soon," He gave him a pressing look.

"Yes, sure," Dad nodded. 

"Is everything okay?" I asked dad soon after Viktor left.

"Yes, my dear, everything's fine," He smiled at me. 

"Oh by the way dad, you know where is Chris?" I asked him as soon as I got the chance.

"Chris?" He raised his brows at me.

"Yeah, I found..." I looked around and grabbed my bag taking the papers out, "I found this at Chris's apartment, that's how I got to know about you." I showed them to him.

"Oh," He breathed, "No, I haven't been in contact with him for a few months," He replied. 

My face fell in disappointment.

"Why, is there something wrong?" He asked.

"Actually..." I explained everything to him, from Marisa's death to Chris's disappearance, him acting all suspicious, and why I had come here... everything.

"Hmm, I see, so that's what happened," He took his time to register everything.

"It's okay, we'll search for him together," he assured me, "for now let's get you home." 


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