Chapter 32

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"Then stop fighting already," she whispered, kissing him fiercely. He grabbed the nape of her neck, kissing her hungrily. His tongue lapped her insides, twirling, sucking the breath out of her. Breaking the kiss, his lips trailed up her jawline, reaching her ear. "Whatever comes next, you'll have to take responsibility," he murmured, his fingers beginning to undo her clothing.

His lips were back on hers as he picked her up in his arms, taking her to the bed. He worshipped her body as he made love to her passionately.

The next morning, he awoke early as usual, his gaze fixated on an unfamiliar ceiling. This wasn't his room. Exhaling a weighted sigh, he shifted onto his side and found himself studying the woman lying next to him. Memories of the passionate night they spent flooded his mind.

An unfamiliar warmth enveloped his heart, reminiscent of how rain disperses a foggy haze. Yet, at the same time, a tight knot constricted within his chest. Despite countless counseling sessions and medications, nothing had managed to banish the haunting remnants of his past. But with her, sleep came easily, and the night passed without the torment of his nightmares. He needed her. He wanted her all along. He delicately trailed his fingers along her cheeks but drew back immediately, still scared he might taint her. He had tried to push her away, to shield her from his demons, yet here she lay beside him, undeterred and unafraid.   

She was his salvation and his torment, his cure, and his pain.

 He slipped out of bed, covering her gently with the comforter. Watching her snuggle against the warm fabric, a small smile escaped his lips.

Back in his own room, he pondered his next course of action. He stood under the shower, and the cold water ran, attempting to calm his racing thoughts. His conscience chastised him, he was drunk but he couldn't label it as a drunken mistake as he was drunken in love and desire. He cursed himself how he should have stopped, but he didn't. She held him captive, and he willingly surrendered, much like a moth drawn irresistibly to a forbidden flame.

"This won't do," he muttered, shaking his head with a disapproving click of his tongue.


She was mad to wake up in an empty bed. What on earth? She had believed they had come to a resolution, that he wouldn't drive her away after everything. She thought he'd finally stop denying the undeniable connection they had, something they had confirmed just last night.

She felt a pang of coldness in her heart. 

Throughout the morning, her temper flared, directed at anyone unfortunate enough to cross her path. She stormed around the vast mansion, her anger like molten iron. Yet, the one she longed to confront remained elusive. 

The whole morning she was cranky, snapping at each and every one that crossed her path. She ran around the whole mansion giving everyone the heat of the molten iron but the one who she wanted to confront seemed to have vanished.

"Did he run away again?" She mused, narrowing her eyes.

At that moment, her phone rang, and her friend's name lit up the screen.

"I'm really not in the mood, Nat. And if you're calling about going back, I've stopped caring. I'm killing this jerk before I leave," she exclaimed, frustration lacing her words. 

"Hello?" Nat's voice carried confusion. "Amy, is that you?"

"No I'm her ghost, old Amy is dead," she retorted with a touch of sarcasm.

"Oh, Amy, did someone snatch your breakfast? Did they forget to feed you?" Nat teased in a sing-song manner. 

"Nat," she warned with a hint of exasperation.

"Okay, I'll stop messing with you, I just called to ask, what did you do?-" Just as her friend was talking a voice called her from behind, "Hey, Am."

"yes?" Amethyst replied instinctively, turning back, she found Yulia standing right behind her.

"Mikhail wants to talk to you," Yulia informed her.

Amethyst immediately ended the call, her legs propelling her toward his study even before she asked, "Where?" 

"Not there," Yulia stopped her, tugging her back.

"then?" Amethyst raised her brows.


She entered the greenhouse garden, her eyes widening in amazement. She had no idea such a beautiful place existed on the estate. 

"How come we never visited this place, Yulia?" Amethyst asked as she took in the view.

"This place is off-limits to everyone else," a deep voice suddenly resonated. She blinked and found herself face-to-face with the very man she had been searching for since morning. She scanned the area, but the young girl was conspicuously absent.

 As her eyes met his, her heart quickened its pace, thudding wildly against her chest. A fleeting smile tugged at the corners of her lips, ready to break free, but she reminded herself, she was still mad at him, so she quickly suppressed the emerging smile and narrowed her eyes at him, a silent reflection of her continued displeasure.

"So I've heard," he chuckled, acknowledging the scowl on her face, "Why the long face, Miss?"

"Asks the reason himself, I thought you ran away again," She retorted.

In an instant, he pulled her into his arms, kissing her fervently. She wobbled as her knees gave away but he held her close as he deepened the kiss. Pulling back, he brushed her lips with his thumb. "We settled that last night," he whispered. Breathless, she melted in his arms. "I'm done running away, Am," he confessed.


"I went to talk to your brother, I broke my promise to him, and he might never forgive me for that." He held her hand as he walked her further inside. 

She looked at him in confusion as they stopped in from of a well-decorated round table. 

"Since you missed breakfast, thanks to your fiery temper," he pulled out a chair, "join me for lunch?" He asked.

As they ate, she stole glances at him. She had questions, lots of them. He said he's done running away, so? Does that mean he no longer plans to send me away? This isn't just one of his tricks, is it? What about us? Where do we stand in our relationship? Has he acknowledged me as his wife? or are we just testing tides?

He caught her gaze, "What?" he asked.

"Nothing," She shrugged as she pretended to be busy with her food.

"Ask away, before you get an indigestion." He left his fork on the plate and gave his full attention to her. She frowned at his words, he knew too much about her and yet she knew nothing of him. "Damn you Chris!" she muttered.

He raised a brow at her, still waiting for her questions.

"What did you talk about... with Chris?" She asked hesitantly, shifting in her chair. 

"I apologized, for breaking my promise," He answered. 

She waited impatiently shaking her legs, "And?" 

"And I also don't plan to send you away from me." He smirked as if he knew what answer she was waiting for.

"You read my mind?" She questioned.

"I don't have to even try," He shrugged, a playful smile tugged on his lips, he held her hand in assurance, "This time I promised to protect not his little sister but... my wife." He declared.

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