Chapter 12

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"Come on, Am, you can't stay goofed up in your room all day!" Yulia grabbed my hands as she tried to pull me up from my bed. 

"I'm not in the mood to go out today," I told her.

"And stay here depressed all day? No way!" She shook her head. 

"Ow," I yelped as her hands touch my bruise. 

"I'm so sorry." She immediately let go of my hand. "Did I hurt you?" She looked at me with concern.

"No, it wasn't you," I smiled at her as I rubbed my bruised wrist. 

"Oh my, how did that happen?" She held my hand in a shake and raised it up to her eyes to check it closely.

"A beast clawed me," I shrugged.

"Huh?" She tilted her in confusion.

"Nothing for you to worry about," I ruffled her hair.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"yes," I smiled at her, "Let's go?" I asked.

"Yay!" she hugged me tightly.


We walked around the estate for about an hour, she showed me places, the swimming complex, the golf course, the gym, this place is enormous I tell you, your feet might get tired but the path won't end. 

She shared a few things about her life, I did too. We talked, walked, and giggled, it was like having a little sister, she was a little tomboy but had her girlish sides too, her eyes sparkled as she showed me the dresses she'd like to try but was too shy to ask anyone about it since she was always surrounded by men here. 

"You want to buy those?" I asked her, "Would you mind if I made some for you?" 

"Huh? Made? You know how to?" I didn't miss the surprise in her voice.

"Could you let me borrow your phone for a while?" I extended my hand. 

"Here," She kept her phone in my empty palm. 

I surfed the internet and brought out the collection I was so proud of, "Here," I returned her phone.

I saw her eyes grow bigger and bigger as she went through them.

"You made all these?" She asked with excitement.

"Mmm-hmm," I nodded.

"Wow! You're really impressive!" Her eyes shined.

Just then I heard a loud sound of a gunshot, and suddenly my body started to tremble.

"What's wrong?" Yulia grabbed my hand, "You look so pale." She cupped my face as she worried.

"I'm fine," I nodded trying to get the descriptive images out of my head.

The sound of another shot reached my ears and I started to feel dizzy. 

Yulia caught on, she looked in the direction of the sound, "hey relax, we're in front of the shooting range, they're just playing, nothing else." She rubbed my back. 

As soon as I looked above I saw the last person I wanted to see, Mikhail... he was shooting at the frisbee in the air. All the tension left my body, I took a few deep breaths before steadying myself. I refused to look weak, especially in front of him. I scowled.

"I'm fine now," I stood up steadily on my feet as I smiled at the young girl in front of me. "You sure?" She peered into my face. "Yes, sorry for worrying you," I patted her head. 

"What are you guys doing out here?" I was startled by his voice, I raised my head to look at him, he was in a plain black tee and black track pants. 

"Mikhail!" Yulia's voice cheered at the sight of him. 

"Hey, kiddo," A man in a deep brown tracksuit appeared beside him, his grey eyes shifted to me and he slightly nodded greeting me, "Hey, Amethyst." 

I frowned, now who is he?

"I'm Nikolai, his mortal enemy," The man gave his introduction, and my frown just deepened. 

Mikhail rolled his eyes at him and asked again, "what are you guys doing out here?"

"As you said, enjoying my stay here, any problem?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Hey Mikhail, what happened to your cheek?" Yulia tried to reach out but he grabbed her hand in mid-air, with one look she drew her hand back, "Did you get hurt somewhere?" She asked. 

"Nothing just got struck by a wild cat," He looked at me pointedly.

I scowled in response.

"What's with that? Why's everyone getting hurt by nonhuman creatures?" She made a face. 

Nikolai snorted. 

"What?" Mikhail glared at him. 

"Nothing my friend, nothing," He shook his head. 

"Hmm," Yulia quietly sneaked to my side and elbowed me, "ask him," She whispered.

"hmm," I closed my eyes. 

"Hurry up, he's leaving," She nudged me. 

When I opened my eyes, he had his back turned against me. 

"Hey!" I called him out. 

He stopped and turned his head to look at me. 

"I need my phone back," I muttered, I asked only because Yulia told me to, but as soon as I muttered those words I wanted to swallow them right back. He won't let me, I can bet on that. 

"Louder?" He came closer to me, I stepped back. Yulia was about to come to my aid but this Nikolai person pulled her back, "just let them be." He wasn't even trying to hide, I heard him loud and clear. 

I rolled my eyes and fixed my gaze on my so-called husband, "I need to get my phone back." I told him without hesitation.

"From where?" He cocked his brow in question.

"My dad's house," I said.

"Forget it." He dismissed my demand.

"But I need my things! I raised my voice. 

"Aren't you asking too much of a bargain in a day?" He narrowed his eyes at me, "You just got a fair deal this morning, don't push your luck too much, give an inch and they'll take a mile, true isn't it?"  

"I need the phone to contact my friend, it's kinda urgent. She might be getting all worried since I haven't talked to her for almost a week." I gave him my genuine reason.

"Is that so?" He shrugged. 

"Please." I gritted my teeth as I swallowed my pride, this was way more important, I had not been in contact with Nat since I agreed to marry Viktor.

"Fine, you can use Yulia's phone to contact her," he said.

"I wouldn't be asking you if that was possible, I don't remember her number, it's on my phone and I also need a few other things."

"Yes, she needs her Ipad and her laptop, she has her designs there, she wants to make a few clothes for me, pretty please?" Yulia spoke in my favor.

"Look, you don't remember the number, it's your problem. Scratch that head of yours and get it out or forget about it, you'll be going home soon anyway, your friend won't die if she doesn't talk to you for a few more days and designs whatever you can do that all back at your home, not mine. I'm not risking anything to bring those useless things of yours. Get that inside your head, understood?" 

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