Chapter 22

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"Why is he speeding up like that?" Nikolai narrowed his eyes as he followed Mikhail's car. 

Natalie didn't respond to him as she looked out of her window. She already knew it was going to be a waste of his efforts, but regardless, she could at least enjoy the view, can't she?

The car in front of them further increased its speed, and Nikolai frowned. He pressed on his brakes, slowing the car down a little, and just as he did that, the car in front of them skidded and made a drift. "What the fuck?" Nikolai cursed as he took control of his steering and skidded his car to the pavement, avoiding the crash. Meanwhile, Natalie was holding for her life onto the grab handles. 

"That was crazy!" It spooked Natalie out. If it was her best friend, even for her, that woman had gone wild-crazy!

Nikolai fumingly dialed Mikhail's number from his car, and after a few rings, his devil-of-friend answered. 

"What the fuck was that? I didn't help clear the road for you to pull a stunt like that. What are you, drunk driving?" He yelled at him.

"Breaking news Nikolai, you wasted your effort 'cause I'm not leaving!" He heard his friend's wife shouting.

Natalie snorted. She was right; it was this crazy woman. 

"What sort of joke is this, Mikhail?" Nikolai yelled.

"Do you even realize you're being selfish?" he heard Mikhail arguing with his wife, "You don't wanna go but what about your friend, you're risking her life too."

"I think I'll take that risk, Amy's husband." Natalie intervened, Nikolai glared at her to which she just shrugged.

"Thanks, Nat. You heard her." They heard Amethyst's proud voice. 

Cutting the call Nikolai narrowed his eyes at her, "I think we need to talk missy." 


"You're crazy, you're both crazy." Mikhail shook his head in disbelief.

"I already told you, I'm not leaving without Chris," Amethyst told him.

"Fine, I'll find Chris for you and send him to you, satisfied?" Mikhail yelled at her.

"wait, you will?" She looked at him with hopeful eyes. 

"Yeah," he muttered as he looked away from her. 

"How can I trust you when you just lied to me?" She eyed him accusingly. 

"I didn't lie, I never said you were going to see your dad," He snapped his head in her direction. 

"You asked me if I wanted to see him!" She snapped at him.

"But I never said you were." he retorted.

"Wah!" She was baffled, "Doesn't change the fact that you tricked me!" She yelled at him, "I'm never trusting you again!" 

"Whatever pleases you, but you still need to go back," he told her as he started the engine. 

"Mikhail!" She shouted. 

He pressed on the accelerator but as the car moved he realized something was wrong, stopping the car, he got out to check the tires, they were flat, after the stunt they pulled, it was inevitable. He pressed his temples as he was trying to suppress his boiling anger. He seriously wanted to leave her there and get on with his life, for a second he was even contemplating but his heart and morals both were against it. 

He heaved a sigh as the other cars that had been following them, stopped right beside theirs, his men got out of the car and handed him their key, "We'll have it fixed, you can go ahead of us, boss." One of his guards spoke.

Taking the keys, he lowered himself to the car's window, but his words got caught in his throat as he didn't find Amethyst inside. His heart sank, "Amethyst?" He called out to her, and she peeked from the other side, "What?" 

She hated the fact that she had nowhere else to go, except for him, she had no one. 

"You! Why did you come out?" he yelled at her. 

"If we're switching cars, I can't just teleport right?" She glared at him. 

Valid point, he went quiet. 

But suddenly there was a shower of firing bullets. "Damn!" he muttered a curse as he took cover, everyone had their guns readied, and the crossfire began, "Don't move from there," He shouted to her. 

Bodies dropped down, some injured, some dead, as they were busy firing, a black van stopped right beside Amethyst, the door opened and grabbed her hand, she struggled, "Mikhail!" She yelled. 

"Am!" He shouted her name as he fired the gun but it was useless as she got dragged inside and then the van drove off. 

He hurried over to another car, a few of his men joined him and a few others stayed behind to give them cover. 

Amethyst struggled inside the van but all the strength left her body as one of the men pressed the nuzzle right on her temple. She didn't even know how much time had passed but right then the bullet firing from outside gave her a chance to steal his gun, and she fired it aimlessly without thinking of the consequences. When her bullet finally hit the driver, the van came to an abrupt halt as they crashed into a building. 

Struggling and freeing herself she ran out of the vehicle but the goons ran after her. Hiding and fleeing when she finally thought she could escape, a man stood in front of her aiming the gun right at her. Her heart almost stopped at that moment when she heard a gunshot but was surprised when the man who was about to kill her dropped down dead on the ground.

She raised her eyes to look at her savior, it wasn't whom she was expecting but might be the one she needed, the police.

"Thank you so much, I... that... they..." she stammered as she was trying to explain things to the police. But she was shocked to the core when the officer handcuffed her. 

"What?" She looked at him with questioning eyes. 

"You need to come with us, Amethyst Fedorov." The officer gave her a cold look. Amethyst Fedorov, Fedorov, it struck her. She was now the wife of a mob boss. 

After being brought into the police station, she was left alone in a cold interrogation room. They came one after another, interrogated her regarding Victor's death and the situation she was caught in, they accused her of things she never did. She spent hours explaining her situation, she wasn't even sure how much and what should she be speaking and what should she be omitting but she made sure not to speak of anything that they might take against Mikhail. The man had been protecting her all this time, that was the least she could do. 

But she did explain her side, how her short trip to find her brother had turned into a disaster, she told them that it wasn't her fault, she knew nothing about her husband and had already told them whatever she knew of him, but they refused to let her go. 

Being left in the cold room, she heaved a defeated sigh, and tears began to pool in her eyes, she really didn't know what to do. Her lower lips quivered, and she bit her lips to keep her tears at bay. She felt so angry, so frustrated, so helpless. Just then the door opened and someone took the seat in front of her. 

Raising her head, she met the eyes of the man in front of her. It was the officer who had arrested her. 

"I know it's difficult for you," he picked up the tissue paper at the side and passed it on to her, she frowned at her. 

"I've already told you everything I know," She retorted. 

"I know and I trust you," He said. 

It puzzled her. 

"We investigated and according to what you said, we've collected a few things from our sources," he placed the file in front of her, and she narrowed her eyes at him. 

"It's the information on your brother, Christopher Jones." He answered. 

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