Chapter 24

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"Please eat something," Yulia requested her.

She had been sitting on the floor crying her eyes out, hugging her knees in one corner of the room where even sunlight refused to enter. 

"What's wrong? Did Mikhail say something? Why are you sitting like this?" Yulia asked her with tears in her eyes. It hurt her to see her in that state, she asked again and again, but neither Mikhail nor Amethyst answered her.

Tired of her silence when Yulia was about to get up, she caught her hand. "You..." Her lips quivered as she continued, "You knew Chris, didn't you?" Amethyst asked her. 

"Chris..." She trailed off at the familiar name. 

"I was told he worked for Mikhail... You must have met him, haven't you?" Amethyst asked again.

Yulia blinked at her question. "How do you know about Chris?" She asked. 

"I knew, you know about him. Please tell me where is he?" Amethyst tightened her grip around her wrist, making Yulia yelp in pain. "Please tell me, please!" She begged desperately, not realizing she was hurting the young girl. "Ouch," Yulia grimaced as her grip tightened around her wrist. 


"Am, it hurts," Yulia tried to remove her hand but Amethyst wasn't listening. 

"Please!" Amethyst yelled at her. 

Just then, her hands were yanked away, and the impact pushed her back. 

"Mikhail," Yulia whispered his name. 

"Get out and you're not to enter here again," he told her. 

"But-" Yulia tried to protest but her words stopped at her mouth with one glare from him. She gave one last look at Amethyst and quietly walked out of the room. 

"Why? Why? Why?" Amethyst screamed as she pushed the nearby table away, the glasses hit the floor and shattered into pieces, but before she could step on them he pulled her in his arms, "Why?" She screamed again as she struggled in his arms trying to push him away but he refused to let her go. 

"You told me you'd find him for me didn't you?" She yelled at him as she hit on his chest, "Why are you hiding things from me, then?" She continued to hit him until he caught her hands, she then paused, her trembling eyes then looked at him, "Is he..." She paused and swallowed the lump in her throat, "Is he...?" She tried to search for the answer in his eyes, "Is that why you're refusing to answer?" She asked in between her sobs.

He stood there taking her in his arms, patting her back as she broke into his arms. She clung to him as her heart bled for her brother, not knowing answers to anything, but she clung on to the tiny hope he had given her, "You said you'd help me find him, you said you'd send him back," She sobbed, "Tell me that was true and what I'm thinking is wrong... Please..." She begged him as she grabbed the hem of his shirt, "please..." She begged but the man refused to utter a word. 


"Who's she to Chris?" He was questioned by Yulia as soon as he came out.

Without giving her a look, he began to walk ahead toward his room, 

"Mikhail!" Yulia screamed his name as she caught hold of his arm, "I never asked you anything, I've always followed you blindly, I didn't even question when you forbid us from taking his name, but not this time," She glared at him, "She's Chris's sister, isn't she? The one he used to talk about.." She asked, Mikhail, didn't answer nor did he deny, "I should've known... no wonder she reminded me of him."

But Mikhail just shrugged his hand off and walked ahead, "Mikhail! I said wait!" She followed him. "Why? Why aren't you telling her? Look at her condition for god's sake!" She pleaded but her words fell on deaf ears. 

"Answer me, damn it!" She ran ahead of him and blocked his door. 

"Move." He glared at her. 

"Not this time!" She refused to move, but his glare still gave her chills so she just averted her gaze to the side, "Why don't you tell her about him?" She muttered. 

"Because I promised, damn him!" He punched at the door behind her, making her flinch, "I promised him!" He gritted his teeth as he punched on the door again. 

"I promised him that I won't let her know... of the things that happened here..." His voice broke for the first time. 

"But she already knows a lot... and those things are incomplete... just tell her." She begged.

"I can't, I gave my words to him." He closed his eyes as if in pain. 

"What's the use? She's hurting anyway and her pain is hurting you too." She looked at him with concerned eyes. 

His face stiffened, and he realized he was weakened for a moment and in the next moment, his mask was back on. 

"Your efforts are useless," She scoffed, "Just embrace your heart and her and stop hurting her any more than this." She told him, "Your words aren't more important than her."

"Words are everything in our family, I can't break my promise as a leader." He retorted. 

"Stop being a leader for a moment and look into your heart for once, the amount of pain you're giving to her and yourself, your stupid promise don't justify them. Remember even he wouldn't want his sister to go through this hell you've been putting her through." She warned him. 

He glared at the girl but this time she refused to look away, he banged on the door as he muttered a curse and spun on his feet, and moved towards the stairs.

"Don't run, Mikhail!" She shouted behind him but too late his feet were already on the move as he descended down the stairs and walked out of the mansion.

Back in her room, Amethyst looked from her window as her husband got in his car and drove off, she then moved her bloodshot eyes to her closet. Moving close, she moved her trembling fingers in search of something in between her clothes, she paused as her fingers got hold of the thing she was searching for. Looking at the card she took a deep breath and whispered, "I won't regret this." She then dialed the number on the card, and after just a few rings, a male voice answered the call, "I accept your offer." She replied. 

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