Chapter 6

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After Viktor left, I turned to my dad. "Dad, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing's wrong." He shook his head, but his voice was trembling. 

"You know who they are, don't you?" My question drained all the colors from his face and his knees buckled to the floor.

"Dad?" I rushed to him.

"It must be him!" Dad shouted, "Oh Lord! It must be him!"


"The one you asked about last time." He clutched his head in frustration. "No, we can't stay here, we need to leave," he got up and began searching for something.

"Pack your bags, Amy, we need to leave," he paced back and forth in panic.

"Hey, dad, calm down," I caught him by his arm and tried to make him sit, but he refused. 

"Didn't you hear me, Amy? Hurry!" 

"Wait, what's going on, why are you so scared? Why do we need to leave and who is 'he' you're talking about?" 

"the man who threatened you, who threatened you with me!" 

I gasped. Were they? That man? The face of my life savior flashed in front of my eyes. No way!

"Are you sure? It was just one time, and I haven't seen that person since then... he had saved me... and why... I don't think he would..." I mean the treatment I've received from him and these guys were totally different.

"Of course, he would... he's Mikhail Fedorov!" My dad yelled his name.

I was confused. Who was this man? Why was father so scared?

"Yes, the Mafia Boss of Assiskaya!"

"Mafia boss..." I trailed off as the image I had of him in my mind completely shattered.

"He is pure evil, cold, ruthless, even the laws can't touch him, more like he makes the law here." 

My mind froze, I was still trying to process. I never imagined his identity to be so...terrifying.

"I was alone before so it didn't matter but now, you're here, they've done this to you, I can't let you stay here anymore, I underestimated the danger, you're going back to New Zealand, yes," He hurried inside the room. 

"Back to New Zealand?" His words pulled me back to reality. I then followed him inside, "We can't leave, dad, not yet," I stopped him in the middle of his packing, "we've yet to find Chris, dad." 

He paused, "yes, Chris," He muttered, "I've already lost my son-"

"Dad!" I shouted, "Don't say that again!" 

 "I don't want to, but it's true isn't it? We don't even know if... but I don't want to lose you too, so please Amy, please do as I say and go back. I'll stay here and find Chris instead but I can't let you stay here anymore." 

"No, dad, I won't go without you either," I retorted, "We'll find Chris and we all will go back together, hmm?"

"No, I can't put you in danger anymore, you're going and that's final." His raised voice startled me. 

"Dad, please, please listen to me," I held his arms, "I can't go back there, you guys are my family, how can I leave you two behind and what will I do going there? Do you think I'll be able to live peacefully knowing that you're in danger here? I can't! That would be more torturous for me." I tried to make him understand, "So please, let me stay here, whatever it is, good, evil, demon, we'll face it together, please?" 

"I understand but I have no choice either, this old father of yours can't protect you, this happened to you because of me, and yet I can't do anything if only I could--  why don't you reconsider your marriage with Viktor?" 

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