Chapter Two: Going Down

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Being at the top of the staircase and looking down felt strange. Levi has always stood at the base, seeking the top. But now, things were different.

He was dressed simply, not in his usual uniform. Instead, we wore a long sleeved top and khaki pants with his normal boots.

As the stairway guards were being spoken to, he stood close to his comrades to ensure their security as they entered the Underground.

Levi's stomach felt like it was floating awkwardly as he descended the stairs. He could feel his body trembling despite his best efforts to control it. He continued to move while clenching his jaw and knuckles.

First to hit him was the smell. He hadn't witnessed the scent in a very long time. It had elements of rot and death as well as richness and moisture. He started to choke as it struck his lungs.


"What is it Jaeger?"

"You still haven't told us what the purpose of this mission is."

"I did. The MPs can't be bothered to clean up after their own messes, and they decided we were the best for the job."

"But why –" Eren was cut off as they stopped when they reached the end of the stairway.

"Follow me, all of you," Levi said, cursing the audible tremor in his voice. They wound around the mountain of trash to the small pathway, carved out of the stone in the far wall.

They all gag, bringing their hands to their mouths.

"Oh, my god," Armin muttered, the hem of his shirt pressed firmly to his mouth. Levi followed his look to a young child who was perhaps a few years younger than the rookies and who was laying on the ground next to the filthy waters of the slowly flowing underground river. He had hair that could have been any color, but it was impossible to tell due to the dirt and dust that had accumulated on his entire body. His cheeks were hollow and pinched. He was curled up on his side, his eyes empty and far away from the group.

"No," Levi said, already knowing what the kind-hearted boy wanted to do. "Arlert, we're leaving."

"But, Captain. . ." Armin's voice trailed off as he stared at the boy. "We can't –"

"Yes, we can." Levi snapped. "Come on. Things work differently down here than on the surface. Got it?"

"Yes, sir."

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