Chapter Eight: Candle Light

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The three make their way to the kitchen, the other's eyes follow them, anxious to see what they have to eat.

Farlan bends down to look in the bottom pantry, grabbing a candle along his way down so he can see better, "hmm, we have some soup, bread, or more soup. It looks like we have enough for everyone tonight, but we will have to go shopping tomorrow for sure."

"Soup would be just fine for us," Armin smiles.

"Speak for yourself, Armin! I want some bread!" Sasha exclaims.

"Sasha, shouldn't we be more respectful? This isn't our house, nor our food that we bought!" Historia explains to the taller girl.

"Hmph! Okay, okay," she trails off. "That's fair," Sasha says, crossing her arms over her chest.

Farlan laughs, "Well, I'll start cooking then! Lee, Izzy, care to help?"

"Aww," Isabel states in disapproval. "I wanted to keep talking to our new friends!"

"You're gunna talk their ear off, Izzy," Levi mutters.

Isabel stares at the older man in horror, making almost everyone in the group laugh.

"He's joking," Farlan nudges her.


Once everyone is finished eating, the group decides it's time to hit the hay.

"Hoooaaah!" Connie yawns. "I'm pooped!"

"Me too," Jean agrees, stretching his arms above his head. "Hey, before we go to bed, where's the bathroom to this place?"

"Outside. Speaking of which, everyone should use the bathroom in groups. There have been kidnappings recently," Farlan explains, pointing out to the back of the house. "And bring some candles with ya!"

"Great..." Eren states sarcastically. The squad makes their way to the bathroom, Levi mentioning something on how they need to keep their eyes and ears open for any possible trouble or threats on their way out.

While the others use the restroom, the three friends sit on the couch to talk more privately.

"So, Levi-Bro, do you think you will let them about you and your job?" Isabel asks in a serious tone.

Surprised by her deep voice, Levi sighs, "I don't know yet." He just had this conversation with Farlan, now he has to talk about it again with a little girl? "They're going to find out eventually, whether I like it or not."

"We can take them there to introduce them to the place, just so it's not such a shock to them when we tell them?" Farlan suggests.


It's quiet, the only sounds that are heard are Izzy's tummy making a funny noise, probably digesting the food they just had, and the crackling of the candle's flames.

"Where will you sleep tonight, mon charie? In the living room with your squad, or in our room?" Farlan questions, his eyes lighting up with anticipation.

Levi swallows, "c-can I sleep in o-our room?" He stutters out.

Farlan smiles, "of course!"

"Hey! We got locked out!" A voice yells from the front door.

"I got it!" Isabel jumps up from her spot and runs to the door, the seriousness she had vanishing.

The squad shoves their way into the small living room.

"Never... and I mean never... do that again, Sasha!" Connie threatens the girl.

"I had to go! What do you want me to do about it?" Sasha defends herself.

"Maybe don't go first when you know you don't feel good..." Armin says, bringing his hand to pinch his nose.

"Yeah, that wasn't fun," Historia laughs.

"Whatever! I'm going to bed now! See you all in the morning!" Sasha waves them off, flopping down onto the floor with a smack.

The squad laughs.

"Okay, okay! Time for bed!" Farlan laughs along with them.

The group nods in agreement, making their way to their makeshift beds.

"Goodnight everyone! See you in the morning!" Izzy smiles at them, blowing out the candles that brighten the room. She goes to her own, separate room, and shuts the door with a thud.

Levi and Farlan turn to their room, making their way to the door. Levi can feel his squads eyes following him, judging him probably.

He sighs and shuts the door behind him.

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